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I need to know soon if you think I should do a sequel for this story. If I get enough people to voice their opinion on that, it would really help with the planning of this story.

Updates for the chapters will be cut back as my Spring Break is almost over and I'll have to go back to school. I still haven't done my homework yet so I've got a lot if cramming to do before Monday.

I still want to know what you think about the playlist thing for each chapter.

Please leave your thoughts in the comments or feel free to message me!

I do follow so just ask. If you want me to read a story just ask. If you need advice just ask. I'm here for everyone and everything.

Also, I was thinking of doing a Nanny McPhee/love fanfic of Simon Brown, it would be short, and I am for sure going to do a Scorch Trials/Newt love fanfic before the movie comes out.

Please leave me your thoughts!

Love Lillian, Xx

A New Road ➢ Thomas Brodie SangsterWhere stories live. Discover now