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Slowly, all of my senses came flooding in. The soft light filtering through my eyelashes as I blinked away the sleep. Focusing, my eyes settled on tufts of blonde hair sticking every which way on the pillow and traveled down to Thomas' soft face, eyes closed, peacefully sleeping.

I smiled to myself, noticing how he held me in sleep, one arm under my head, the other wrapped around me. I could feel our legs, tangled with one another, see his chest rising slowly, up and down, as he breathed. I could feel his heartbeat under my hand on his chest. Everything, everything reminding that this was all real. That we were together. That I myself had found someone to love. Someone that I could have a future with.

My smile spread wider when I noticed his eyes fluttering open, "Good morning, Thomas."

His husky morning voice made my stomach flutter, "Good morning, Jade."

The space between our lips closed as I kissed him softly awake, heightening our senses. Thomas gently pushed me away and laughed, "I haven't brushed my teeth yet."

I shook my head, or at least tried to as I rested against the pillow, "I don't care. I love all of you, even the gross parts."

Thomas moved above me and placed both of his elbows on either side of my head, "And I love all of you too. The silly, the serious, talented, goofy, sexy.." He planted a kiss on my lips, "Everything."

He rolled back over so that he was on his side and rubbed soothing circles into my cheek. We laid there for a while, just staring into each other's eyes, memorizing each other.

After a while, the circles stopped, Thomas tensed, and his eyes filled with worry. "Tommy, are you okay?"

His Adam's apple bobbed as he gulped, a frantic sort of craze slid over his eyes and he scooted back a bit away from me. I sat up, clutching the bed sheet to my chest to cover up, "Thomas what's wrong." He still stayed silent, looking down at the bed.

"Thomas!" I did mean to, but my voice came out a bit louder than I expected and he flinched at the noise. I reached out and grabbed his hand and spoke softer, "Thomas please tell me what's wrong."

I saw his mouth move but whatever he said came out in an inaudible mumble. Shaking my head, I used my other hand to turn his face towards me, "What did you say?"

"I-I forgot use," he took a deep breath, obviously weighed down by what he was saying, "I forgot to use protection..last night."

This time it was my turn to stay silent as the gears turned in my head. I couldn't even open my mouth to say a small 'oh'.

He forgot to use protection. And now there was a possibility that I could be pregnant.

Was he ready to be a parent?

Was I?

We aren't even married. But then again, so aren't Grace and Blake and they're having a baby.

Just by one little..slip of the mind, our lives could be changed forever.

I slipped out of bed, pulling on my underwear and bra before I grabbed a clean set of clothes.

"I'm gonna take a shower or a bath. Or both," I announced, just to reassure Thomas that I wasn't leaving. We were both in a delicate state of shock.

My back pressed against the wood of the door as I shut and locked it behind me, taking deep breaths to calm myself. After I had assured myself of that, I reluctantly pushed myself off and turned on the fan, eager to drown out the silence.

The silence would drive my thoughts into a crazy and negative frenzy.

Focusing on the whirring of the bathroom fan, I decided that a nice, hot bath would suffice followed by a shower.

Plugging the tub, I yanked the handle for the heat all the way around and watched the steam rise as the hot water hit the cool porcelain. Staring until it was full, I shut off the water, stripped down, and slid in, not even wincing at the burning sensation of the water, too numbed down by my thoughts, our consequences.

Right now, I couldn't worry about Thomas, what he was thinking. I couldn't think of his possible thoughts running through his mind. I had to worry about me. I had to be selfish.

No matter what, I still loved him. Mistakes or not. But I don't want any future between us to be determined by a possible child. I don't want anything to be forced.

If I was pregnant, I don't want Thomas to feel obligated to stay with me, even if in the end he lost his feelings.

Just one little mistake and its possible outcome has me thinking of all of the different horrible roads.

But where were the positives, if any. To weigh the options, the pros and cons, to help truly work out my thoughts. I buried my face in hands as I pulled my knees up to my chest in a fetal position, the water falling off my skin as I moved.

A baby, something so precious. It would be something we both made. Someone I would love more than anything else in the world.

I sat in the tub until the steaming water turned lukewarm and then proceeded to take a quick cool shower, where I do my best thinking.

When I was done, I wrapped the towel right around my body and took a good long look at myself in the mirror, gathering my thoughts. I knew what my choice was, I just had to be prepared for what his was.

Putting in my clothes and leaving my hair down in wet strands, I quietly closed the bathroom door behind me and looked around the room. Thomas wasn't there.

Hearing the kitchen sink water turn on, I knew he was downstairs. Standing at the top of the stairs, I took a deep breath.

We have to face our consequences eventually.


18 June, 2015

I am so sorry for the cliff hanger!! I originally was going to put it all into one chapter but felt that it was best to split it up.

So.. Is Jade pregnant? What's her decision and also what's Thomas'?

Some questions will be answered in the next chapters and others later on in the story.

Still on vacation so I've been writin this one in chunks all week. Hope you enjoyed it!

And please, check out my other story "In A Blink", it is a Barry Allen/The Flash Fanfiction based off of the hit CW show The Flash (which I am absolutely in love with and Grant Gustin is absolutely a pure talent in)

Lillian Xx

A New Road ➢ Thomas Brodie SangsterWhere stories live. Discover now