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"Kaya!" I practically scream in the airport when I see her. She's holding a makeshift sign with my name on it.

"Jade! I can't believe you're here!" said Kaya as she pulls me into a big hug.

"Oh it is so good to see you after so long!" I replied to her. "Where's everyone else?" I say as I pull away.

"You mean Where's Thomas?" Kaya says as she squeezes my shoulders. My face flushes.

"He and the rest of the guys are on set filming a scene. They weren't allowed to leave. But-" she says as she grabs my bags, "I was able to come and pick you up!"

We drop my bags off at the hotel everyone is staying at and a van takes us to the set. It is surprisingly cold right now in New Mexico, that's where they're filming the Scorch Trials, so Kaya lends me one of her coats.

"You two will have to be quiet. And no disturbing the filming process. They're in the middle of a scene right now." warns one of the guards on the set before he lets us in.

I immediately see Dylan, Ki, and Thomas, along with some other boys, sitting in a small room in front of some cameras. Kaya pulls my arm and we walk to stand with some of the crew to watch them.

This must be when they first meet Aris I think to myself.

"And cut!" yells someone who must be the director. What was his name again? Wes! He was amazing with the last movie and I just know this movie will be even better.

"That's a wrap for today, boys! Great job." says Wes.

Dylan and Thomas high five each other and Ki and the other boys get up.

"Jade! You're here!" yells Ki when he sees me and runs up to give me a hug.

"My turn!" says Dylan as he pulls Ki off of me and gives me a hug. "We're gonna have so much fun!"

He pulls away and steps back so Thomas can say hello.

He pulls me into a tight hug. "It's really good to see you. I mis- Well we all missed you." he muffles behind me.

I start pulling out of the hug but before I'm out of it, I feel Thomas give me a soft, quick kiss on the cheek. Instantly, my hand flies to where his lips touched me and my cheeks heat up.

I look up and his face is also red and he shoves his hands on his pockets. "Now we're even." he says with a smile on his face.

"Okay, lovebirds. Let's get a move on before you two start making out." jokes Dylan as he pushes me towards the parking lot.


It was getting close to 2 am and our group was watching movies in Dylan and Ki's room.

Kaya and Thomas were on the balcony smoking while Ki was getting close to falling asleep on the floor.

We'd all went out to dinner together and decided to come upstairs to have a movie marathon. Someone decided to play Divergent but nobody was paying attention anymore.

Dylan and I were sitting on the two beds trying to toss grapes into each other's mouths. Lets just say we were failing, epically.

Kaya came back in with Thomas, his face was red and she was laughing at him. I wonder what went on out there, but I shook it off. Kaya said she had a boyfriend she was really serious about and besides, you and Thomas weren't a thing.

"What are you two doing?" asked Thomas laughing as he saw what Dylan and I were doing.

We both looked at each other and started aiming grapes at Kaya and Thomas who both ducked.

Kaya tripped over Ki, who then screamed in pain, and we were all laughing.

"It is not nice to wake someone." said Ki, wiping his eyes.

"Sorry, Ki. I tripped. Blame Dylan and Jade. They attacked us with grapes." she said laughing.

Ki suddenly sat up straight and a smug look covered his face. He took his pillow and ran screaming towards me and Dylan and started hitting us with the pillows. Soon Kaya and Thomas followed suit and started hitting the two of us.

"Aghh! Thomas, stop! Can't. Breathe. I can't- stop laughing." I said between hits and gasps of breath.

Thomas stood back grinning like an idiot. "You surrender?"

"Nope." And I swiped the pillow from him and attacked back. He fell onto the floor. "I surrender!"

I fall onto the floor with him, gripped with laughter.

Kaya and Ki stopped hitting Dylan and had him pinned down on the bed.

"I give up." I heard him say and Kaya and Ki let him go. Ki then climbs onto the opposite bed and gets under the sheets.

"I take that as a sign that we should all go to bed." said Kaya, getting off of the bed. "Come along children" she says to Thomas and I, who pulls me up off the ground.

"Wait." says Dylan, climbing under the sheets of his own bed. "Turn the light off?"

Thomas does as he says and we each walk to our own room. Thomas' room is right across the hall and Kaya's is right next to Ki and Dylan's.

"Goodnight you two." she says and enters her room.

"Night, Thomas." I say as I head to mine at the end of the hall.

I'm about half way there when I feel a pair of arms wrap around me.

"I'm really glad you're here." Thomas says. "And, that means we can go on our second date." he says as he lets me go and I turn to face him.

"I take it you have a plan?" I say while raising my eyebrows.

"Why yes I do." he says. "But.. It's a surprise." This makes me groan.

"No! Just wait. You'll love it." he says while grinning.

"Okay. But I'm gonna sleep now." I say slowly backing up towards the room. "Goodnight, Thomas."

"Goodnight, Jade." Thomas says with a smile and heads back to his.

A New Road ➢ Thomas Brodie SangsterWhere stories live. Discover now