High Hopes

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"I don't understand. There's snow on the ground from last night but it's raining right now," said Ki as Blake drove the car to the store. Last night, after the wedding, our area of Virginia was hit by a snow storm and many of our flights were cancelled. Henry and Emily were able to leave before the snow fell. Unfortunately for us, all of our flights were rescheduled for tomorrow evening.

"That's just what the weather's like here in December, Ki." I said as I tried to take a nap in the car.

"The weather needs to get a handle on things," says Ki as he turns on the radio. Burn by Ellie Goulding plays and Ki, Will, and Dylan attempt to sing along.

I groan and cover my ears as I lean against the window. This earns me a smirk from Thomas and he wraps an arm around me, making me lean into him. He knows all too well what I'm feeling.

Dylan sees this and tells Ki and Will to sing louder, which he does. They're ruining one of my favorite songs I think to myself.

"Blake, honey, please drive faster," I hear Grace muffle through my covered ears.

We get to the store and grab a cart. Dylan and Ki wanted their own, but we all knew that wouldn't end well.

"We are here to get food because we ate my parent's kitchen," I say, following Grace as she pushes the cart.

She stops. "Maybe we should do this in groups? We could get it done faster."

Dylan looks at Ki and Will and grabs Ki's wrist, "We'll get the snacks," and then they take off running through the store.

"Thomas and I will get dry food and that kind of stuff I guess," I say as I grab his hand and pull him to follow me, grabbing two baskets on the way.

"You seem tired," he says as we walk to the breakfast aisle.

"I am extremely tired," I say as I rub my face. "I made the mistake of drinking coffee before I went to bed."

He laughs and gives me a half hug, rubbing my shoulder, and gives me a light kiss on the head. When he pulls away I raise my eyebrow at him and he laughs again.

"What? Now that we are officially dating, I can do that without you asking questions," he says as we walk along the aisle. I nod my head in understanding in smile.

"So.. Cereal or Pop Tarts?" I ask.

"Pop Tarts." he says with a grin.

"I think this relationship will be just fine," I say with a smile and head down towards the PopTarts.

We all meet back up again and had more snacks then food, but nobody felt like arguing so we agreed to eat it all before we left Virginia.

When we got back to my parent's house, the rain was coming down hard and was washing the snow-now-ice partially away. Unfortunately, we were all soaking wet from taking the groceries into the house.

I had already taken my shoes off when I realized I forgot to get the mail. "I'll be right back I say." I figured I was already wet and my shoes weren't so bad so they could stay inside.

I was halfway down the driveway barefoot when the coldness of the ground and water hit my feet, it was like hot needle pricks all over.

I made it this far and I'm not going back. I stepped into the running water, cooled deeply by the ice, grabbed the mail, and ran back towards the house.

Thomas stood by the window laughing and grabbed a towel that he dropped on my feet.

"You saw all that?" I ask sheepishly, my face, and feet, turning red.

"Yes," says Thomas, taking the mail from my hand and placing it on the hallway table. "That was very entertaining."

"Yeah yeah. Now I'm gonna take a nap," I say as I kick off the towel and head to the couch to sleep.


I wake up hearing voices and feel a blanket on me. That wasn't there before.

I open my eyes a little bit and see Thomas standing up by the smaller couch with my parents in front of him. I also see Dylan, Will, Ki, Grace and Blake heading upstairs laughing.

"I don't believe we've officially met, Thomas. I'm Dan Bryce, Jade's dad and this is her mom, Molly," says my dad, extending a hand for Thomas to shake. Thomas shakes it, but he looks really nervous. My mom gives him a smile.

I decide not to let them know I'm awake and continue pretending to sleep, but of course I open my eyes just a bit.

"So I heard first that you were friends with Henry?" asks my dad.

Thomas nods, "Um.. Yes- yes sir."

"And you decide to date his sister?" presses my dad. This earns him a slap on the arm from my mom.

"Dan! That's perfectly normal. Leave the boy alone," she says, scolding my dad. "I'm sorry, Thomas. He's like this to every boy Jade dates. She's been through a lot of heartache in the past and we just don't want to see her get hurt again. We just thought we'd talk to you since you're here and the two of you just started this new relationship," she explains.

"She's my baby girl, Thomas. If she chooses you then that means she really cares for you and will give you her all. That's just the way she is and that's always been what ends up getting her hurt," says my dad softly.

"I understand, sir" says Thomas. I guess he understands what my parents are doing, trying to protect their baby girl from getting hurt again.

"I talked to Henry about it and he told me before I asked Jade to be my girlfriend. Mr. and Mrs. Bryce, I love that feeling I get when I see Jade smile and I want to spend more time with her. I would never do anything to try and hurt her," he says to my parents.

"I know, boy. I don't know where your relationship is going but just make sure both of you are happy. Especially Jade," says my dad.

"Of course, Mr. Bryce," says Thomas. His face has reddened a bit less.

"You can call me Dan for now." says my dad and Thomas nods.

He wraps an arm around Thomas' shoulders and I see Thomas looks scared again, "So Henry tells me you dabble in mechanics and that you love motorcycles."

Thomas relaxes, "Oh yes sir I do, except back home we call them motorbikes." My dad begins to lead them to the garage and they start talking a bunch of nonsense that I don't understand. All of this makes my mom laugh.

When they're in the garage my mom comes and sits on the edge of the couch were I'm sleeping and fixes the blanket.

"I saw you moving. You heard all of that, didn't you?" she says while caressing my face.

"Yeah mom. I love you. And thank you." I say quietly.

"I love you too, baby girl. I have high hopes for this one," she says and gives me a light kiss on my head before I fall back asleep.

A New Road ➢ Thomas Brodie SangsterWhere stories live. Discover now