Getting To Know Each Other

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It was so much fun to watch Dylan, Thomas, Will, and Ki during the interview. The way they all interacted with one another was nothing like I've seen before. It's like they had known each other their whole lives, but I know they haven't.

The room was constantly filled with laughter, jokes, and just a hint if seriousness when they were discussing the Maze Runner and the filming process.

There was never a moment that was filled with awkwardness.

I couldn't help but stare in awe at the 4 of them during the interview. I hope to God they didn't notice that.

Dylan, Will, and Ki talked the most and were always energetic but Thomas talked when he had to or felt something important.

It wasn't an awkward shyness, it was kind of.. cute.

Don't think that, I thought, nothing is ever gonna happen between you two. Nothing ever happens.

Even though I continued to give myself that warning, I ignored it and tried to take in every detail I could. It was like a thirst that needed to be quenched.

He often played with his hands or licked his lips, it was quite distracting.

But in a good way.


After about an hour, the interview had ended; the boys were wrapping things up while Grace was talking to her coworker.

"So are you excited for your brother to get married?" I heard from behind me.

Based on the accent, I knew it had to be either Thomas or Will.

I turned around and had to crane my neck back to see the face of Thomas.

"I really need to get some heels." I muttered to myself. Thomas smirked.

"Yeah I'm really excited. Umm.. Emily. She's.. She's really something special and he really loves her. If he's happy, I'm happy." I say.

He furrowed his eyebrows together, "What, do you not like her?"

"No, no, no! I love Emily! It's just.. I'm not sure I'm ready to let my brother go You know? I mean, growing up, it was always just the two of us and now he's going to start a family of his own and I'm just here like.. Alone." I tell him.

"Oh God, I'm really sorry about all that. I didn't mean to dump you with all of my feelings."

I feel the heat rise in my cheeks and try to cover them. This is so embarrassing.

Thomas chuckles to himself, "You're fine! And for the record I completely understand. I have a younger sister and I think, no, I would feel the same way if she got married right now. But I certainly hope I get married before her!"

The two of us stood there laughing for a few minutes.

"You're the Maid of Honor, right?" Thomas asked.

"Yup! And I'm pretty excited. But I have no clue what I'm supposed to do." I say laughing.

"I wouldn't either." His cheeks reddened, "We'll of course I wouldn't, that would be weird if I was the Maid of Honor."

Again he had me laughing.

"You're in the bridal party though, aren't you? Along with Will, Dylan, and Ki?" I ask him, picking up my purse and phone off the chair as people are leaving the room.

"Yeah I am." Thomas says, grabbing his jacket off the table. "I have no clue what I'm supposed to do either." he says.

We make our way to the door as the other boys say thank you to some of Grace's coworkers and the staff from the hotel.

"Well, we'll all figure this out together. It'll be fun. But first, I think we should all get to know each other before we o to that wedding." I laugh.

It seems like the others are waiting on an elevator to reach our floor so we go to join them.

"Where have you two been?" asks Dylan, he has a smug look on his face and Will and Ki chuckle.

I feel the heat, once again rise in my cheeks, "We were just getting to know each other a little bit."

Thomas looks at me and nods his head in agreement.

I see Grace grinning and giving me this look that seems to say We're talking about this later.

The elevator dings as the doors open and once again we file on and the room is filled with so much noise and laughter.

Ki has to shout above the noise to make himself audible, "Oh guys, I have an idea on what we should do." he says.

He turns around, not telling us what it was and as soon as the doors open, he runs out of them, through the lobby, out of the revolving doors, and heads to the streets.

Oh boy, I think, this is going to be fun.

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