Truth or Truth

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Thomas waited outside of my room waiting as I changed into his black sweatshirt and a pair of neon green running shorts. I decided to stay barefoot. I grab my phone and join Thomas in the hall.

"You still look gorgeous whether you're dresses up or not," he says while putting his hand on the small of my back, guiding me to Dylan's room.

"Well you're awfully loving today," I joke and poke him on his side.

He laughs, "I haven't been able to see you for our first month so I'm making up for it!"

"True true. But I think we're doing pretty well given our jobs and crazy lives," I say as we reach Dylan's.

He nods as Dylan opens the door.

Dylan makes a sweeping motion gesturing us to enter. "We can begin! We're sitting in a circle and we're going to play Truth or Truth."

Ki, Kaya, Rosa, and Dylan were the only others in the room.

"Jade, sit by me! Don't worry, there's room for Thomas," says Kaya, patting a spot next to her on the floor.

"Have you ever played this game with these guys?" asks Rosa, leaning across Kaya. She looks nervous.

"Nope. I'm kind of scared actually. There pretty intense at everything." I say, squeezing Thomas' hand.

"Okay. Lets begin," says Dylan as he puts a can of pop in front of each of us. "The way this game works is someone says a statement or question and if it is true, you take a sip of your drink. So if I say, "Have you ever gone skinny dipping?" and someone did, you would take a drink. And most of the time, we ask questions when the truth is revealed. Understand?" he says as he takes a seat next to Ki and wiggles his eyebrows.

"Great! Who wants to go first?" says Ki.

"I'll go since it's my room," says Dylan rubbing his hands together. "Have any of you run around a hotel naked before?"

Ki takes a quick sip. "I was in my underwear and it was only because the shower didn't work in my room so I went across the hall only to get locked out going back to mine,"

We all laugh and quickly move on.

"My turn! Take a sip if you've ever done anything embarrassing while drunk," says Rosa.

She, along with everyone else but me, takes a sip.

"What did you all do?" I ask laughing.

"Well I don't know if you all remember, but we had a pillow fight while filming the Maze Runner. And it was me, Dylan, Will, Ki, and Kaya. I'm pretty sure all of us were in some form naked and Kaya got it on video," Thomas blurts out and everyone laughs. They all agreed that was what their moment was.

"Mine was at a bar. I got so drunk and I just remember doing karaoke and trying to do the Single Ladies dance or something," Rosa says laughing and rubbing her eyebrows.

It's Ki's turn, "Who in here lost their virginity?"

Everyone drinks.

"Jade you lost yours? Thomas too? But my babies!" asks Dylan. They actually looked shocked. Then his face changes, "Wait did you lose it to each other?"

Thomas' face goes bright red.

"No! I lost mine when I was 17." I say quietly.

"I was 18," says Kaya. Rosa lost hers at 23, Thomas was 21, and Dylan and Ki lost theirs when they were 20.

"At least we know Thomas will get some," I hear Dylan mutter, so I throw a pillow at him.

Before the next question is asked, Dylan's laptop starts ringing and he answers, bringing Will up on the screen. We all talk, eat, and play around until about 3 in the morning so we all just end up sleeping somewhere in the room. This was probably not the best idea given that we all had flights the next day.


"Look at the clouds!" I point out groggily to Thomas.

He laughs at my giddiness, squeezes my hand, and goes back to sleeping. I give him a light kiss on the cheek and rub his cheek as he does so. He's so adorable sleeping. Even when he's not awake this warm feeling spreads through me and a smile forms on my face. It's amazing that he can do that.

We're flying back to LA now and managed to get seats together on the plane. Dylan and Ki are seated in the row behind us. I put my headphones in and play W.D.Y.W.F.M. By the Neighbourhood.

I feel a tap on my shoulder from behind me and turn around. It was Ki.

"Dylan fell asleep and I've got no one to talk to," he says. "Thomas asleep too?"

I nod.

"We can play a game on the little monitor thingy," I say while tapping the back of my chair. He smiles and nods.

Ki and I end up playing Connect 4 several times. I won by 1 game and eventually Ki falls asleep against the window.

Everyone around me was sleeping, so I rest my head on the crook of Thomas' neck and fall asleep too.

A New Road ➢ Thomas Brodie SangsterWhere stories live. Discover now