Along The Road

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The wind blows my hair and face as the Sun shines down on me, like any other afternoon in Los Angeles. I tap my fingers to the beat of the music on the steering wheel and hum along with the song, passing cars along the road.

I turn into the lot to park and shut my car off. I grab my purse and slip out of my car and walk towards the building, smiling at the sound of the music that you could hear from outside.

The door building swings open and out come a few girls with duffel bags talking and laughing. "Hey Jade!" says the last one out, holding the door as I slip inside, "Hey Kate. How was practice?" The small girl let out a sigh, "It was okay. Still can't get some of the steps right but I'm improving!" I gave her a smile of encouragement and we both went our ways.

I walked through the dance studio and head to the main office so I could go back to my personal office. Everytime I go back there, I smile at my name on the door, still proud at what I had accomplished. I check the folder box by the door to see if I have any notes or messages and luckily there's none. I step inside my office, head nodding to the music and start going through some of the paperwork the dance studio had such as payment dues from the students, paychecks for the employees, and bills to be paid.

By 6 o'clock, I was done with my work and was headed back to my apartment.

I unlocked the door and kicked off my shoes onto the mat in the hall only to be greeted by Grace, my roommate and best friend.

"Well you're early." she said laughing, "You're usually at the studio until almost morning!"

"Well when it's time for paying bills and people, it's not fun." I said back with a laugh.

Grace picked up my shoes and pushed me back out the door, "Grace! Wha-What are you doing?"

"We're getting some food! I'm hungry and I'm too lazy too cook myself." she said, laughing yet again.

As of right now, with times like this, this road I'm on, it's perfect.

A New Road ➢ Thomas Brodie SangsterWhere stories live. Discover now