What A Gentleman

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The rest of us, still in the elevator, exchange looks and then bolt out after Ki.

"Ki! What the bloody hell are you doing man?" yells Thomas.

It takes about 10 minutes before Dylan gains speed on Ki and tries to reach out to grab him, "Stop, Ki! Wait for us!"

All of a sudden, Ki stops in his tracks and Dylan ends up running into him almost knocking he boy down onto the sidewalk.

"What were you doing man?" Asks Dylan after he regains his balance and pats Ki on his back.

Ki Hong looks at all of us with a big, goofy smile. "Let's get lost! It would be such a fun and great way to know each other. I figured if I just ran somewhere, you guys would follow and that when we stopped, we'd have no other choice."

"So that's why you took off running?" I said with a laugh and he nodded. "Hm.. It's actually not a bad idea. And he's right, we have no other choice now." I said as I spun around, taking in or surroundings. "I have no clue where we are."

Grace nodded in agreement.

"Same here. You'd think if the three of us lived here we'd know everything about the area." Dylan said as he started walking down the sidewalk and the rest of us follow.

"So.." Will starts, "I say we have a buddy system in case we do get separated. Everyone have their phones?" Yups and nods pass through the group.

Ki turns around and starts walking backwards, "Will is like the dad of our group, along with Thomas. And Dylan and I are the children." he says while gesturing to each boy. Grace and I look at each other and laugh.

"And that is why," Will says as he puts his arm around Ki, "You are my buddy. So I can keep an eye on you." he says while laughing. "And Grace can be with us too."

"So I guess that means I'm with Thomas and Dylan?" I say while linking my arms with the boys'.

Thomas grins and I swear I see him blush, "Yup! We just have to watch out for Dylan. He can be sneaky and very misbehaving." he says while laughing and Dylan gives him a look of fake hurt.

"Now is that anyway to treat your child?" Dylan asks while putting his hand to his chest and drawing a year down his face.

Thomas and I look at each other and laugh.

"I mean, I'm not complaining about the whole getting lost thing," Grace says while walking next to Will, "but I'm kind of getting hungry so should we find some place to eat?"

"FOOD!" yell Dylan and Ki in unison, only to brings laughs to the rest of us.

"There is an ice cream shop right down the road ahead of us. Anyone up for that?" asks Thomas.

"Of course! Who would turn down ice cream?" I say.

"Oh! I have another idea!" Ki says while bouncing on his feet. Lets race in pairs to the shop! I'll race Dylan, Will races Grace, and Jade races Thomas. Ready Dyl?"

"I'm ready!" Dylan says while shaking out us body and the two boys prepare to run.

Will stands between them and holds his hands in there, "On go. Ready, set GO!!"

Dylan and Ki run on the narrow side walk, bumping and pushing each other and eventually make it to the shop both screaming that they won.

Next, Will and Grace were off running towards the shop, with Will winning if course and soon it was just me and Thomas left.

"You don't have to do it if you don't want to." he says while looking at me.

"What? You scared you might lose, pretty boy?" I say with a laugh.

He smirks at my comment, "Oh for that you're going to lose." he says and then we're off running.

Thomas is slightly ahead of me but I can run fast so we are neck and neck. The shop gets closer and closer and soon we both reach it but, surprisingly, I get there first.

As soon as we do we are full of laughter that our faces are red, our eyes are brimming with tears, and I'm clutching my stomach because it hurts. After we both catch our breaths, Thomas holds the door open for me and gestures for me to go inside.

I take a step, and then turn around, "You let me win didn't you," I say with a smile so he knows I'm not mad.

He returns the smile and cocks his head, "I have no bloody idea what you're talking about. Now, let me treat the winner to some ice cream."

"Aww what a gentleman, thank you." I say while blushing. Is he just being nice or is he actually interested in me? I think to myself. Don't read much into it, you don't want a repeat of last time.

When we get inside, Thomas really does treat me to some ice cream. Once we get our order, we walk to the booth the group has gotten and he lets me slide in first next to Dylan before he sits on the outside.

"This is quite a squeeze." Will laughs as he tried to move his arms between Ki and Grace.

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