Take A Risk

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"Cut it out, Ki!" laughed Kaya as she ran from Ki. He had found a water gun in Dylan's garage and was spraying people.

Dylan, Thomas, and Will were busy cooking while Grace, Kaya, and I were running from Ki. Grace and I also did some snooping of our own and found some water balloons to fill up and throw at Ki. Kaya knew the plan and ran past our hiding spot. "Now! Do it now!" she yelled and Grace and I threw them at Ki while Kaya did the same.

"I surrender! I surrender!" said Ki as he cringed from the attacks. Kaya, Grace, and I stopped and we all laughed and clutched our stomachs.

"Well it looks like they all get along just fine, lads." said Will as he put some grilled burgers on the table. "C'mon, let's eat!"

We ate the wonderfully cooked food and everyone, but me, had some drinks. Someone turned on some music and Where Did The Party Go by Fall Out Boy blared from the speakers. I got out of my chair, "Oh I love this song. Get up guys!" I said as I started spinning around. Kaya amd Grace joined me and we all started dancing to the music. Soon everyone was up and stumbling around but we were all laughing and having fun.

Then Money On My Mind by Sam Smith came on and Thomas tapped me on my shoulder, "Care to dance?" he said, wiggling his eyebrows and holding out his hand. I blushed and took it and soon he was twirling me around as we danced to the music and to the taunts of our friends.

The rest of the night was full of laughs and cheers and so was the rest of the week. All of us hung out whenever we could, given that we all had to work, and soon enough came the time that Kaya, Dylan, Ki, and Thomas had to leave to film for the Scorch Trials and Will was heading back to London for some work of his own.

"You have to come visit us on set if you can!" said Kaya, giving Grace and I a hug.

'We'll try. Text, call, or skype whenever. I don't care if its 1 in the morning. I'm gonna miss you guys!" said Grace, wiping a tear from her cheek.

"Don't worry, we will." said Ki, he looked really upset. "At least we'll see you in December for sure for the wedding. But that's two monts away!"

"It'll come around soon enough. I'm sure we'll all see each other before then." I said as I pulled him into a hug.

"I'm gonna miss you two." said Dyan as he pulled Grace and I into a tight hug. "And whenever I'm back home we can all hang out at my house!"

"We'll take you up on that offer." laughed Grace as sheand I hugged Will goodbye.

"You know, we still haven't gone on a second date, which I recall you said you'd like to do again. I really do want to go on another date." said Thomas as he walked up to me after hugging Grace goodbye. I sensed everyone stare at us and could feel my cheeks heat up.

"We will. We'll just have to figure out how. Now give me a hug goodbye before I start crying about all of you leaving." I said and he pulled me into a tight, lingering hug.

"Promise me you'll save me a dance at the wedding." I heard him muffle behind me.

"I promise." I said and he let me go. I decided to take a risk. I reached up on my tip toes, cupped my hand on the side of his face, and gave him a light kiss on the cheek. Immediately he blushed and smiled to the ground.

I felt my face go red and smiled too, "Hopefully that will hold you until December."

Grace and Kaya looked at each other and giggled at each other while the other boys stood in shock.

"I was not expecting that to happen. I though it would take years before we saw Thomas get kissed." said Ki.

Thomas, still smiling and still red, scratched the back of his neck, "C'mon lads, we have to go or we'll miss our flght."

They all grabbed their bags and started walking towards security while the guys kept teasing Thomas.

Grace and I stayed and waved them goodbye as she kept elbowing my side. "I knew you had it in you. You go girl." she said laughing.

A New Road ➢ Thomas Brodie SangsterWhere stories live. Discover now