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"I think all we have left to move are the boxes," Grace says as she rests on the couch.

"Why did you and Blake decide to move into together the week of my wedding?" Ki asks as he gets a glass of water from the fridge.

Grace laughs, "Because Ki, it'll make it easier for us now if we moved in before I was too far along with the baby."

She and Blake finally told their parents during Valentines Day weekend so she also told Thomas, Will, Dylan, Ki, and Kaya. They decided it would be best to live together now and bought a house near Grace's work so it would be easier for her.

"Besides Ki, your wedding is on the 7th. Today's the 3rd. You should be fine," I say while attempting to pick up a box. "What's in this, rocks?"

"I'm coming, love" Thomas calls and helps by lifting the other half. "I think you're right." he says with a laugh as we carry it to the truck outside. Dylan and Ki moved the last two boxes to the truck.

"It feels weird leaving. I can't believe our lives have been changing so fast," Grace says as she stands in her empty room.

"I know," I give her a big hug, trying anyway to avoid tears, "I'm gonna miss you so much,"

"I'm gonna miss you too but you'll be over every day. I need you during this pregnancy. The baby's gonna need their aunt Jade," she says with a laugh and pulls away.

"It's gonna be strange living alone," I finally say as we walk to the truck and Blake starts it.

"You'll be fine," she says and pulls me into a quick hug again and whispers in my ear, "You could always ask Thomas for a roommate," she says and wiggles her eyebrows before climbing into the truck and waving us goodbye.

I watch the truck turn the corner and walk back inside, Dylan, Thomas, and Ki filing in behind me.

"So.. Now what?" Dylan asks as he plops down on the couch.

I grab my purse and my keys, "Well you guys can stay here, just don't destroy the house." I say as I head towards the door.

"Wait. Where are you going?" Thomas calls as he follows me.

"I have to work, Tom. I'll try to be back by 5," I say as I give him a kiss goodbye.

His eyes suddenly light up, "We can go with you, though!" Dylan and Ki chime in, supporting him.

I roll my eyes and walk back towards the car, "Fine. But you can not interrupt the dancers. Period. And do not mess around at all, otherwise I will have to kick you out and I won't hesitate. We're getting ready for the competition next week," I say as I slide into the driver's seat. They boys slide into the car as well.

"Sounds fun!" Dylan says as he buckles in.

"Plus it avoids the sadness in your apartment. You can literally feel it in the air. Have you ever lived alone?" Ki asks as I start driving down the road.

"Nope. We moved to LA for college right after high school and Grace and I were roommates for that. We just moved into that apartment back in July after college was over," I say as I focus on the road.

"Oh okay. Well don't worry, we'll come over whenever we can to bother you," Dylan says with a smile.

"And I'll be over in every spare moment I have apart from work," Thomas says just loudly enough for me to hear.

We pull into the lot of the dance studio about 5 minutes later and I give the boys the same warning as I did before.

"Jade! We are grown men! I think we can handle ourselves," Dylan says while holding his hand to his chest and fakes being offended.

"Well come on then," I say as I start walking towards the door. I can feel the bass of the music vibrating in my chest as I get closer and closer. I've always loved that feeling.

"Jade! I feel like all hell's about to let loose in here. Some of the student teachers are starting to panic," Vera says, she's one of the newer staff members.

"Okay just tell them to take a break and I'll be there soon, I just have to change out of these jeans then. Oh and Vera can you show these 3 where to sit? They wanted to see the dance studio today," I say as I head to my office.

"Umm.. of course!" she says turning to me and my suspicions that she's a fan prove true as she turns to the three of them and behind babbling on about The Maze Runner, Teen Wolf, and Game of Thrones.

I quickly change into black yoga pants and a maroon tank top with thick straps and head to the room where the student teachers and students were all sitting on the floor. The student teachers look exhausted.

"Okay. So what's going on?" I say, addressing the group. I notice Thomas, Ki, and Dylan sitting in the back. They all have their phones out pointed at me and the dancers.

"We had the routine perfectly before but we can't get it right today." says one of the girls as she lays on her back.

Another girl pipes in, "We keep bumping in to each other,"

"You know what that sounds like to me? It sounds like stress. And you know what you do to stop it? You relax. Let me tell you something right now, it doesn't matter if we win or lose during the competition. What matters is that you all have fun and just enjoy yourselves doing what you love. And that's dancing! So what we are going to do is stand up, close our eyes, take deep breaths, and focus on just losing yourself in the dance." I say as I walk around the girls, making sure to look at each one of them.

They all stand up and breathe and a student teacher plays their routine music, Hanging On (I See MONSTAS Remix) by Ellie Goulding.

The students, after focusing danced beautifully and with such passion. The rest of the day went the same way. Perfecting routines, calming the nerves, the typical way of handling things when competitors neared.

"I'm surprised you guys didn't disturb me," I say as I go to collect the boys.

"We wouldn't dare. Plus we've seen Dance Mom's and.." Dylan starts as he walks to the car. "Where to now?"

"I don't know and I don't really care. Someone else want to drive?" I ask holding out the keys and Ki grabs them.

"Let's go to the store and buy me wedding gifts!" he says and starts the car. I pull Thomas to come sit with me in the back and take a little nap on his shoulder as he strokes my hair.

"You do know Ki doesn't intend to pay for the gifts himself right?" Thomas says with a laugh.

"Yeah I know. Lets just let him splurge for a bit. I think he's just nervous," I say back squeezing Thomas' hand.

"You do know I can hear you two," Ki says while looking at us in the mirror.

"I know. Now focus on the road! Don't crash my baby car," I say sternly and then I laugh. "Why did I let you take the keys?"

"Isn't it obvious? You just couldn't trust yourself driving with 3 handsome men in the car," Dylan says with a laugh and fiddles with the radio.

I turned to Thomas and say it loud enough for just him to hear, "I only see one,"

A New Road ➢ Thomas Brodie SangsterWhere stories live. Discover now