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**WARNING: This chapter gets a bit heated towards the end. I would just like to put this out there in case there are any readers who are younger or do not like to read that kind of stuff. Also it will be long. Sorry about that. And note, the place that is mentioned, I have never been to London so I am making everything up based in my thoughts. This also goes for the past places mentioned as I know some are distances hours apart.
Thank you!

Thomas and Mark loaded the suitcases into the back of the car while I waited in the kitchen with Tasha and Ava.

"So, dear, what will you and Thomas be doing while we're on our little trip?" his mother asked with a smile.

Ava just wiggled her eyebrows and had a smug look on her face behind her mother's back.

I rested my arms on the kitchen island, "To be honest, I have no idea. Thomas just said he had plans."

"Yes, love, I do have plans. Wonderful, wonderful plans," Thomas bellowed as he wrapped his arms around me and kissed my cheek, his mother awing at our affection.

"C'mon Tash, we'd better get going. I'm sure these two want their alone time," Mark said, waving for his family to follow him into the car.

"Oh my dears, you two be careful now and don't get into trouble," Tasha said as she squeezed Thomas and I into a hug.

Thomas squeezed back, "Bye, mum. Have fun!"

"We'll be back in a few days, alright? We love you two," Mark said as he came in for his turn of hugs.

Lastly was Ava, who clung tight and who I did the same to, "You two are going to miss me!"

As 3/4 of the Sangsters got into the car, Thomas and I waved goodbye as they pulled out of the driveway.

As soon as they were out of sight, my feet were lifted off of the ground and I found myself looking at Thomas' back, "What-Tommy what are you doing?" I couldn't help but let a laugh escape my lips.

"We, darling are going on an adventure!" Thomas said with excitement. He locked the door behind him and set me down right before the stairs. "I'm sorry, love, but there is no way I am going to attempt to carry you up the stairs. That won't end well for both of us," he said with a chuckle.

I placed both my hands on his cheeks and kissed his nose, "Even if we fell I would love all of the broken pieces of us. So we go upstairs?"

Thomas laughed and nodded and held my hands to his cheeks, "Yes upstairs. We are going to go get ready for a fun day!"

After I had gotten dressed, I met Thomas at the foot of the stairs, smoothing down my basic gray tee and pulled my hair into a messy bun. I slipped on my black vans as I held onto Thomas for support. He took my hand and led me to the driveway, "Wait here." After a while, Thomas returned with a helmet on his head and another in his hand.

Thomas held it out and chuckled lightly when I didn't move and stared at it dumbfounded. Staring at the bike, I felt a wave of fear flow through me. It was astounding how a piece of metal could be so intimidating.

"Have you never ridden a motor bike before?" I shook my head in a small no. Using his free hand, Thomas cupped my cheek and rubbed small circles, "I won't let anything happen to you, alright? We'll go slow. Just hold on to me the entire time." He placed a small kiss on my nose before handing me the helmet.

I slipped it on my head and secured it while Thomas made sure I did it correctly. He made me take down my bun so that it was more comfortable, saying I could always put it back up later. I don't think he understands how hard it is to get a perfect messy bun.

A New Road ➢ Thomas Brodie SangsterWhere stories live. Discover now