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"Drive faster! We have to get to the airport before her plane lands! God! You're driving like an old lady, Dyl!" complained Ki. This was 2 days after Thomas and I had our impromptu date.

"Kaya said her plane doesn't land until 2:30." said Thomas as he checked his phone to make sure. "We still have a whole hour, Ki."

"Fine," said Ki as he slumped in his seat.

I reposition my headphones and rest my head against the windows as That's What You Get by Paramore fills my ears and close my eyes. Suddenly I feel one of the plugs being taken from my ear.

"What are you listening to?" asks Thomas as he places it in his own ear. I hit the home button on my phone so he can see. "Oh okay. I don't know it, but it sounds good."

"Can I go back to sleep now? It was a long night at work last night." I ask groggily.

"Sure," he says and gingerly places the headphone back in my ear. The other teachers and I had to pull an all-nighter reworking some of the routines for the upcoming competition. One of the lead dancers had twisted her ankle and was unable to perform.

Grace and Dylan were arguing in the front about what station to play while Ki and Thomas played thumb wars beside me. I kind of felt bad for Thomas being stuck in the middle between me and Ki, but he didn't seem to mind.

Will was slumped in the back of the van we rented. He was a bit hungover. It was nice to just focus on the music and rest a bit. The song changed to Waiting Game by Banks as Ki asked Dylan how much longer we had to go.

"We only have about 5 minutes until we get to the airport, but we'll have to wait about 45 minutes before Kaya's plane is supposed to land." said Dylan, not taking his eyes off of the road. "You guys are going to love Kaya. She's finally gotten the chance to come to LA. She was in London and had some work thing but she's on her way! Plus it gives us," he said, gesturing quickly to all of the guys, "a chance to catch up before we start filming for The Scorch Trials."

Hearing that made a stone drop in my stomach. I forgot completely that they all had to leave soon, and this time it wasn't for just a few days. I turned the music up a bit to try and block out the conversations. I didn't want to hear about my new friends leaving us. It was nice for Grace and I to have more friends around us. I mean, the guys had left before, but it was only for a few days and they always came back. But this time, they would be gone for months, and we'd have to go back to our normal lives.

Thomas again removed a headphone from my ear, "We're here sleepy head." he said with a smile and slid out of the van after Ki. I slid out after him and we walked to the waiting area of the airport after Dylan parked in the parking garage. I walked next to Grace while Dylan, Ki, Thomas, and Will walked behind us.

"What time did you get home? I tried staying up but I passed out on the couch." Grace asked.

"I think around 3? We had to work out all the kinks. Cary was in 3 of the dances and she had a main part in each. I really hope it all works out and the staff can teach the routines to the teams in time. It's going to be a rough few weeks." I said groggily. My little nap in the van was not enough to make the sleepiness go away.

"We are going to find the nearest coffee shop in the airport, if we can get to it, and you are going to wake up." she laughed and linked her arm with mine.

We stopped talking and gave each other a look when we heard my name being discussed from behind us. Grace looked at me and and stiffled a giggle with her hand.

"So.. how did your little date with Jade go?" whispered Dylan.

"Would you shut it, Dyl? She's right in front of us!" warned Thomas.

Grace and I kept looking at each other and silently laughed, wanting to hear what the boys said.

"Did you two kiss? Did you ask her out?" teased Ki, laughing. Their quiet conversation was not so quiet.

"No to both. Besides we haven't known each other that long and it was only one date. I'm not going to jump into a relationship that soon." whispered Thomas.

"But you like her don't you?" questioned Dylan. Will was just laughing through al of this.

"She's.. very sweet. I don't know yet. It takes time to get to know someone." said Thomas.

"I'm gonna take that as a growing yes." said Dylan.

"Aww look at Thomas and his wittle cwush." teased Ki.

Grace and I again laughed, sensing the conversation was over and jogged into the airport's waiting area.


"You lads didn't have to wait for me!" screamd Kaya as she pulled all four boys into a hug.

"It's so great to see you again!" said Will.

"And these two must be Grace and Jade, right? The guys have told me all about you two." she said to me and Grace with a smile.

"I'm Grace and this is Jade." said Grace gesturing to herself and I. Kaya shook hands with the two of us and our group headed back towards the van with Will and Thomas carrying Kaya's bags.

"So, I've heard from a little birdie that you and Thomas went on a date." said Kaya, poking my side with a smile.

I blushed, "Yeah we did. Who told you?" I asked.

"Dylan and Ki texted me. They were acting like little girls about it." she laughed. Her, Grace, and I were walking ahead of the guys.

"They were acting like it too when they left the hotel. They kept sitting around in the lobby waiting for them." said Grace and all of us laughed. Kaya exchanged numbers with Grace and I and the three of climbed into the back of the van with Kaya sitting in the middle.

"It seems like Kaya has been stolen from us, boys." said Ki, putting his arms around Dylan and Thomas as Wil loaded the bags into the van.

"Okay. Where to now?" asked Dylan as he got behind the wheel and the boys climbed in too.

"How about we have a grill-out?" suggested Dylan. "We can use my backyard to do it."

We all agreed and we headed to Dylan's house after dropping off Kaya's bags at their hotel.

A New Road ➢ Thomas Brodie SangsterWhere stories live. Discover now