It Was Certainly Good

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As soon as I parked my car in the lot of the Penderwick Hotel, I checked the time. It was 3:41. "Not bad" I say to myself.

I grabbed all of my stuff and headed to the revolving doors at the entrance. It was an absolute grand hotel. Long cascading stairs leading to the second floor, a tall ceiling with a huge chandelier, and all of it left me breathless. It was incredibly beautiful.

I stood in the lobby for about a minute and was about to text the group about my arrival when I heard my name being called.

"Jade! We're over here!"

I turned to my left to see Grace and the boys waving at me. A huge wave of relief washed over me when I saw them. They didn't seem too mad at my tardiness.

"Hey I'm so sorry I'm late. I was helping some of the student teachers with their groups and we lost track of time." I say as soon as I reach them.

"It's perfectly fine." said Thomas, smiling. "Do you know who we are our should we do introductions?" he asked laughing.

I laughed too, "I know who you all are. Even if my brother didn't know you guys, I'd still know." As soon as I said that my face flushed. That sounds so stupid I thought. "Umm.. Oh yeah! Congrats on your new movie guys! I see it last week when it came out. It was really good."

Thomas, Dylan, Ki, and Will all started laughing and smiling.

"Thanks. It really means a lot." said Will.

"Well.. since miss dancer over here was late, should we head up to the room so we can go ahead with the interview?" Dylan said while laughing and heading towards the elevators.

"Oh yeah, I forgot to tell you. I am interviewing them!" said Grace with a giggle. I could tell her inner fangirl was coming out. She was absolutely obsessed with Teen Wolf and Game of Thrones, both of which Dylan and Thomas were apart of respectively.

"Well...," said Ki Hong, bouncing on his heels and rubbing his hands together, "Let's get this interview on the road."

We filed onto the elevator and packed the 6 of us into the box. It was a little cramped considering the height on those boys. I was stuck against the side of a wall next to Thomas with Dylan and Ki on the opposite side and Grace and Will in the middle. 

The trip up to the room the interview was in was filled with jokes and laughs. It was interesting how fast you can become comfortable with a group of people. I mean, it happened all the time in high school, but this was different. We were all adults, sort of. Or maybe just kids that didn't want to grow up. But the feeling was the same and it was certainly good.

A New Road ➢ Thomas Brodie SangsterWhere stories live. Discover now