Chapter Six

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THERE HAD been far too many storms in such few days that it had turned the sky into this sullen shade of grey that Kit had become so use to seeing. She'd spent most of her time watching the raindrops gather on the window sill in her home in Brooklyn that she'd forgotten what the time was.

Yet her eyes pressed closely to the outside world, she watched people pass by, noticing how some of them were holding hands or holding each other underneath the shade of the umbrella as they tried to get away from what must felt like a never-ending storm. Her face fell into her hands as she started at them with envy, wanting nothing more than to understand how they felt.

For most of her spare time she was like this, too wrapped up in everyone else's reality that she forgot she had one too. The one thing they had told her to do was stay hidden from the world during the day, they said she could only come out at night.

She was suddenly startled out of her reverie at the sound of aggravated voices from downstairs. With a rush of fright she rushed to the door and crouched down, eager to listen while her hand carefully

grasped the dagger at her side.

"You can't be serious," an unrecognisable female voice said, "she's just a girl! She's ten year's old and you're basically turning her into a killing machine."

There was a moment of silence as Kit pressed closer, staring down the dark wooden stairs to hear more. "I've told you Syria," this voice she knew to be Peter, her trainer, but he sounded upset. "She's important, Kit has everything to do with the future of New York. She will do this city justice, I just need her to train more-"

"Enough! I can tell that you know how this will end." The woman, Syria, paused for a second. "What if her Father comes looking for her, you know how dangerous he is, for all we know Kit is just as dangerous too, or she could have the potential to be. I-I just worry, she trains so hard and fast, I don't want her to end up like him."

Peter pressed a forced laugh, " she's not going to become a murderer..." he trailed off and Kit hoped he didn't notice that she may be listening. Last time he checked on her she was sleeping. "I had to take her out of training, that's why she's here, hiding away from the world in this house. All the other Night Walker's her age are at the Institute and I know she can't be there. I'm trying to protect her."

The word's escaping Peter's mouth were foreign to her. She knew that she couldn't see her Father, she didn't even know his name and she remembered nothing about him. They'd told her that her Mother had died when she was born and her Father was too dangerous so they took her away from him, but no one had ever talked about him being a murderer.

"I understand." Syria spoke carefully, "you've done a lot for this girl, you've taken her out of school but she doesn't even know the truth. When she's old enough, in two years, she must come to the Luna Academy, she'll be safe there. But for the time being, make sure you keep changing locations, maybe take her back to the Institute, just promise me she'll never have to see the monster her Father's become."

"I promise."

* * * * *


Levi couldn't remember the exact time it was. All he knew was that he'd been kept awake for hours after going over a series of different reports written from the last two decades. He'd found them with the other archives, but he'd hoped he'd found the right ones this time.

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