Chapter Thirty-One

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Kit hadn't felt like she had a million emotions rushing around her as she walked back to the Academy with whoever else was left after the battle. It turned out that the majority of them survived and only a handful of The Night Walkers had fallen to the hands on Claudius, Debra was one of them. But she was saved. Kit kept telling herself that Debra was safe now, she was a Night Hunter and there was nothing that was threatening her for defeat any time soon. She was immortal now. 

"You okay?" she felt Levi's soothing hand begin to wrap around her shoulders as she looked at him. "Guess what?" he asked a moment later with an eager look in his eyes. He didn't wait for Kit to answer and went right ahead with the conversation. "They got Sally out! She's gone to the infirmary but she'll be perfectly fine!" 

Suddenly it felt like a weight was lifted off Kit's shoulder and for a second there she was too caught up in her own thoughts to realize where Sally was. "That's so good to hear." Kit couldn't shake the thought of seeing Debra changed, her best friend since first becoming a Night Walker and now she didn't know where to start from there. She kicked a rock across the gravel, noticing how Levi instantly fell into step beside her. Tears brimmed in her eyes but she pushed them away.

"Are you okay?" He asked with his two pure blue eyes filled with bottomless soul stared at her with worry. She looked away as their hands gently brushed. She felt that same shiver crawl through her that she seemed to always get with Levi around and suddenly she thought that even though some things had changed, there were still some things that hadn't. 

"Yeah, I guess," she felt Levi's hand slip into hers with the same familiarity she always got from being near him. She breathed in the frosted air and looked around. "Everything's different now with Debra gone and Stacy dead..." she trailed off, hating the fact that she'd killed Stacy with her bare hands. She hated how this whole encounter with Claudius had changed everything. 

He tightened his grip on her small hand and shook his head, black hair tumbling before his eyes. "Kit, you haven't changed, you're still that girl I fell in love with all that time ago. You're still the girl that would give everything for everyone and in the end you did. You gave everything to me and everyone around you." 

The tears invading her eyes had begun to slowly slip down her cheeks at his words. Levi had always reminded her of a poet, had always reminded her of an artist and someone who would give everything just to be with her and for that she realized that she couldn't have survived without him. "I love," you said instead, "I really love you." 

His long fingers gently brushed the tears away and that was the only answer she needed as she looked into his loving eyes filled with life. 

*   *   *

By the time they reached the Academy Headmistress sent those who were injured to the infirmary with the help of their very best healers while everyone else went to the main hall for something that Headmistress thought was a good idea to have. Kit walked beside Levi who hadn't let her out of his sight. He'd said moments before that he'd lost her once and she'd been tortured, he'd simply never let that happen again.

They pushed past a flurry of people who were crowding around the front of the hall watching eagerly for some news. The word had spread around like a wildfire that Claudius was killed and so had all his Hybrid’s along with him. There were tears and cries coming from the students in the crowd after hearing news of their friends dying and inside it hurt Kit to watch the scene unfold before her eyes.

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