Chapter Twenty-Four

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(Levi's P.O.V)

                             "So I guess this is how we're going to die?" Levi turned around slowly as he spoke, he managed to keep his eyes locked on Syria, who was drastically recalling just how hard this mission was. Hell! It was going to be extremely hard to win this... everyone new it!

                                 Syria sighed and leaned against a tree trunk, watching as everyone else stared into the woods. Just through there, was where over half of them were going to risk their lives. Just in there sat a Hybrid, followed by a scared girl who Levi knew he loved.

                                "Look, I won't, I can't, promise that these people will make it all the way through, it will be hard and harsh but we have to stick through it, we all must manage." She stood up falling and Levi noted that she was quite tall, towering at least a whole foot above him. He grinned, I thought I was tall. 

                           The grin washed off his face as he caught a figure, crouching down on the ground, platinum blond hair spilling over her back as her cheeks pressed against her knees.


                                 "Hang on Syria, I'll be right back," he murmured, knowing that she caught what he was saying because she smiled in understanding. Levi slipped away from between the crowd until he stood over Debra's small figure. 

                                 "Debra? Are you okay?" He asked as he sat down beside her, aiming his gaze into the woods. He hadn't been that close to Debra, he only really knew he because she was Kit's best friend. Debra looked up, and Levi caught the smallest tear drop that was left at the corner of her eye.

                                She smiled shakily, "no, not really... I don't think I'm ready to back in there, not when they tortured me last time and tried to use me as an experiment!" She looked away, her eyebrows furrowing in worry.

                                He sighed and gently lay his hand on her arm, "don't worry Debra, I promise nothing bad will happen to you," he promised her. "Just stay close to me and I'll protect you, I will not let anything happen to you and I'll do it for Kit."

                               Debra looked up at that, her pale face seemed to crumble under the mention of Kit's name. "Levi..." she trailed off, not knowing what she should say. "Thank you." She managed to finish, watching how the corner's of his lips turned up.

                                 "Don't mention it, just remember that I-"

                               "Everyone! May I have your attention please?!" It was Syria's smooth and even voice that cut him off. Both their heads whipped around as they stared at the tall figure, who looked like a goddess with the moonbeams lighting up her platinum blond hair. "We must assemble... it's time to prepare for war."

*   *   *   *   *   *

(Stacy's P.O.V)

                            She remembered a burning sensation, and it coursed through her. Stacy remembered the screams that erupted from her mouth. The pain had lasted forever, as did the screams. She could feel every single part of her change, she remembered the sweat that glided down her forehead, a sudden reminder of what she was turning into.

                                      Now though, after the screams subsided, she felt so different, like the pain was worth something. She smelt blood from a mile away, she could sense a presence in the darkest of hours. Stacy could run for hours without stopping and she could bit through a fence with her teeth.

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