Chapter Twenty-One

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Dedication goes to "Hobnails" for being an amazing support so far and has helped to support this book right from the very start! Please be sure to check out his work "The Cousins" which is an amazing book!


(Levi's P.O.V)

                            “Let me out!” Levi bashed his fists against the cell door even though he knew it was useless. They were probably going to kill him, he didn’t know about Kit though. Hopefully they let her live, that settled his explosive head.

                           Shut up in there!” A voice commanded through the bars. He sighed and shoved his back against the wall; sliding down until he sat on the ground in a pile of dirt… he was going to die down here.

                    “What are you doing with Kit?” He asked, craning his head to look at the sharp silhouette.

                             There was a long pause before the voice spoke again. “No Levi, I mean shut up so I can save you!” The voice called back from the darkness.


                             “Who are you!?” He stood up straight now and walked over towards the edge of the bars until his face was pressed between them. “If you don’t answer I swear I’ll-“

                           “It’s Sally, now please be quiet, it isn’t exactly easy trying to bust open metal bars!” She complained. He was having a hard time trying to think of why she was trying to bust open the bars instead of getting out the keys.

                            “Thanks Sally, I really do appreciate it, but why not just use to keys over by the door?” He pointed his finger to the door with a smirk.

                          “Oh,” she replied and the sound of feet shuffling was heard before she came back, pressing her face to the bars. “Listen Levi, Kit’s in trouble, I know she is. I also know that you’ll be in trouble if you don’t listen to me now.” The cell door opened revealing the sharp outline of Sally.

                      “Thank you Sally,” he repeated, drawing her into a friendly hug. She was surprised at first but she willingly hugged him back.

                            “No problem,” she saw a swift wink back.

                              “Now take me through the plan, hurry before someone finds out,” he hurried her over to the corner, locking the cell door closed so it looks like he was still in there.

                                  “Okay, we have to get out of here, pronto, so I was thinking in the short time I had getting here, and I came up with it! What we need to do is get through the vents! If you think about it, we won’t be noticed and there are actually vents running through here. It will be kind of hard getting in and out though,

                                     “So do you get what I’m saying? We can get through the vents, rescue Kit, go back to the Academy and… hmm, wait, should we maybe Kill Claudius first? I was spying on him through the vents so maybe we can spy on him some more!” She clapped her hands on his shoulders and shook him awake.

                                   “Sally… I don’t know about spying,” he rubbed his neck nervously, then blew out a soft sigh. “Fine, alright, I’ll go with you, but if you get hurt then I-I have to leave Kit here, there is no way I’m risking everyone turning out like Stacy… wait, Oh my god, we forgot about Stacy!”

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