Chapter Eighteen

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                     Although it wasn’t a very easy to fall asleep after what she had said to Levi, but the tiredness of everything had finally allowed her at least five hours sleep.

                     She opened her eyes, watching as the sun filtered through the bottom of the curtain. The clock beside her said that it was 9:30! That was probably the latest she had ever been up before.

                       “Debra?” She mumbled and suddenly remembered her friend. Kit raced out of bed and found that she was already in the infirmary, rushing towards the main counter. A woman stood behind it, but Kit forgot her name, she was far too worries about Debra to pay attention to anything else.

                 “Can I help you?” The woman asked. She was about thirty, probably no older, but she wasn’t one of them, in fact she was purely human with big honey coloured eyes and semi greying hair.

                      “Yes. I’m looking for Debra,” She said pointedly, aiming my eyes at the woman.

                  “Uh, I’m very sorry but she’s not able to take visitors right now.” The woman scrolled down on her computer, losing interest in Kit. “Tell me your name and I might be able to put you down on a waiting list. You should be able to see Debra…next week.” The woman waited for her name.

                That’s when Kit lost it. In one instant second, her hand was around the woman’s throat and she pushed to make her eyes look as menacing as possible. “Look lady, I don’t care about some stupid waiting list, but right now I need to see this girl because I can imagine just how easy it would be to harm you.” She knew it was beyond cruel, but she needed to see Debra, or else Kit would break the Academy in half.

               The woman’s eyes remained unmoving, yet sharp fear calculated through them. She shrunk back slightly and watched to see whether Kit would actually harm her.

                 Kit’s eyes locked with hers right then, and she brought every focus she could manage. The woman’s eyes did the unthinkable; they dilated and started staring at Kit in this zombielike way. Kit froze. It was just as Claudius had done to those girls, so how could Kit be doing the same thing now?

                  Despite her fear though, she told the woman in a very slow and compelled voice, “You are to let me find my friend, and I shall return out and you are to not tell anyone. Understood?” Kit’s eyes remained level with the woman’s.

              She nodded at Kit though, her mindless frame seeping back into its original state as the compulsion finished off.

              “Thanks for letting me go.” Kit said as she picked the keys off the counter and stormed off through two thin white doors where she knew Debra would be. “Debra?” Kit whispered into the slightly dim room.

               A faint shuffle of feet clearly indicated someone was there. The room, Kit noted, wasn’t filled with very much. In fact, there was loose decay all over the place. Some type of watery substance lay on the ground where a water glass left shards encased among the marble ground.

                 “Kit?” Someone’s voice moaned. It sounded very much like Debra’s and Kit couldn’t hide the excitement and anxiety that welled up in her chest.

               “Debbie?” Kit stepped forth, “Are you there? Come towards me Debbie.” Kit spoke in a very slow, hushed tone so she wouldn’t scare the other girl off.

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