Chapter Twenty

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Dedication goes to Kahla_5 for her amazing support, please fan her because I'm sure she would really appreciate it <3


                              She couldn’t remember the last time she’d been so agitated, but the way that Stacy was screaming was almost too much to take for Kit. Slowly, Stacy’s eyes began to turn golden, and she watched as a thick coat of sweat poured down the girl’s body like a shower of rain.

                           Levi looked away, Sally was right up against the metal cage, staring at Stacy’s cuffed hands and chained feet with such a horrified look.

                            “I can’t take this!” Kit threw her hands up, knowing she wasn’t usually the one to give up so easily, but the weight of all the problems was beginning to blur her mind and thoughts into a billion different pieces, like glass shattering.

                         Without a word, Levi followed her out the door, his face looked grim and pale, she knew he had had enough as well.

                               “I can’t stand seeing her like this,” Kit said after a moment of silence. “She’s going to turn very soon and I was looking it up in a book, apparently they are nearly indestructible beneath the full moon.” Kit looked away from Levi, feeling a sudden need to be close to him but also feeling guilty about Stacy.

                          For a moment, he didn’t answer, just stared straight over the balcony they were sitting on, his eyes remained secured on that golden orb known as the moon. “To think she must be going through it almost…” he trailed off, momentarily wordless.

                                 “Impossible,” Kit finished for him.

                           “Yeah that,” he pulled Kit towards him until she was sitting on his lap, his hands gently weaving their way through a rich tunnel of her perfect dark brown curls. “Kit, I need you there with me, but I don’t want you to get hurt,” he whispered softly and she shivered from his breath.

                           “That’s why I’m going to fight no matter what Levi,” she told him, promised him rather. “Because I want to be there with you, we are to never leave each other, I will never leave you.”

                             He sighed, “I’ll take care of you Kitty, and we will take care of each other because we will always stay by each other’s side.”

                              Kit almost laughed, but it came out as a small croak, her cheeks turned crimson and she looked at Levi whilst biting her lip. “You are the most-“

                             “Handsome guy on the planet, you need not tell me each day,” he countered and brought his lips to hers. Now had they been human, they’d have fallen off the balcony and probably died, but she knew that as long as she was in his arms that everything would be fine.

                          A moment later she pulled back, Kit didn’t want to, she had to because of the scream. It was a scream like a thousand souls were being ripped apart, indulging the harmonic rhythms of the windless sky’s about them, drumming to the beat of the non-senseless mind of Kit.

                         “What the hell was that?” Kit asked, standing up off the edge of the balcony. Her cheeks were scarlet and she felt flushed. Nothing prevented her from running inside, not even Levi’s harsh protests for her not to.

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