Chapter 1

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I wasn't exactly the girl you'd see shopping around with friends, I wasn't the girl who would scream over a band or if I broke a nail. I'm just Nat. Natalie rose, a girl who lives in Brighton in an over furnished apartment.

"So when is the hog getting back" Kara asks, sounding casual as per usual when she referee to the unpleasant nickname. Though it was true... My mother was a hog.

step mother... That is.

She was out all day, thank god, but leaving me behind to do all the housework, So I decided kara could come over and maybe help me clean before Bertha got back, my step mother wasn't exactly ... Well ... Motherly.

She never treated me like a daughter she treated me like the in house maid! Even her lounge that she sits her big arse on got more love and attention then I ever did.

But I couldn't run away... At times the thought of leaving made me smile, made me realise I could start a new life. But the thought of leaving Kara here to fend for herself frightened me, I couldn't leave the only person who was like family to me in this cruel city.

"Nat!" Kara yelled, snapping me out of my trans. I look to her bright eyed, thinking Bertha had gotten home. I quickly stand up, already breathless thinking of a way to get Kara out before we were caught.

"Hey, relax! She isn't home yet, I just wanted to ask... Can you please come to the masquerade ball!" She almost pleaded, her hands under her chin clenched together as if she were praying.

"I can't I told you, my mother would never let me go out" I said shamelessly.

I sit back down on the thin white duvet that was crinkled and rough, the sounds of rusty springs springing rang through my ears as I bounced up and down on the bed.

Kara had always been the pretty one out of us, with her long curly brown hair that was always perfectly twirled and her plain chestnut eyes that reminded me of melted chocolate, she was always the more social one and the more forward one. Where as I was totally the opposite, I wasn't social nor was I pretty, and I was never forward in any situation. I suppose I was more like the wallflower in our friendship but that didn't matter... We somehow connected anyway asides our differences.

"We can sneak out! I'm sneaking out of the orphanage, and Bertha will never know! I mean she's always sitting on her big fat but watching stupid TV shows" Kara looked at me, one eye slightly twitching. I giggle, remarking to myself that she looked crazy. I sigh, wishing I could go out but I could only think of the worse.

"Don't be silly Kara, we don't even have dresses and besides its a masquerade ball it'll be boring and surrounded by old rich people who ask for crumpets and tea" I chuckle, failing at my fake English accent.

"We'll funny you ask... I went ahead and bought two dresses and two mask for us, and it won't be boring, I swear, you might meet your prince" Kara shows of a cheeky smile, winking at her joke. Another thing we didn't have in common was the fact that she believes every fairy tale that ever came from disney, she believed in love at first site where as I believed in love at first bite.

"And I really want to go because one direction is performing..." Kara quickly added, in a mumble. Her smile fading straight away and her hands covering her mouth as if she was trying to hide.

"What did you say..." I furrow my eyebrows, confused. She seems very negative to how I will respond.

"Ugh, look. One direction is performing there and before you say anything It could be my chance to meet Harry, it could be fun Nat" she stood up pacing back and fourth.

"wow, now I defiantly don't want to go" I said and chuckled.

Kara looks at me with her puppy dog eyes, secretly probably wanting to kill me if I say no again.

"Kara... I can't" I said with sympathy.

"We'll you have to because I already bought the dresses and masks with the last of my money. Your not going to waste it are you.." Her bottom lip pouting but I could sense a smile there, I was always a sucker for when someone made me feel responsible for something I didn't do, She was evil.

"Only cause I'm a great friend and it could possibly be fun..." I trail of.

"So you'll go!" She cut me off by yelling exotically, and clapping as she jumped up and down. I thought for a moment... That for once in my life, perhaps I should go out and live! I should go out and have fun for once.

"Guess we are going" I barley said the words. Kara was already squishing my lungs with her enormous hug.

"AHHH! Thank you, thank you! I can't believe we will see one direction!" She screamed.

"Shh... Now listen. We will leave at 9:00 tonight, that's when Bertha usually watches her vampire diaries and after that comes on real house wives" I said, it was strange how many hours Bertha could sit down for, honestly I'm surprised she can extend her legs and they aren't permanently bent.

"I'll sneak out back then when the coast is clear, and I'll run out the front to you and well catch the bus" I added.

"How will you be dressed by then though, without getting seen" she asked with a questioning look.

"Uh. Looks like ill have to get changed before the bus comes" I said laughing.

"So you'll get dressed on the street!" Kara yelled and laughed.

"Looks like I have to, besides no one drives past there much and there's a massive bush I can hide behind" I said.

If that's what it takes to sneak out then I suppose I can do it.

"Natalie! Natalie dear I'm home can you cut up some fruit for me hun, I'm hungry for a fruit salad." Yelled Bertha as she walked through the door.

"Shit run! Quick go out back down the fire escape! Ill meet you tonight" I yelled in a whisper tone to her.

She ran just in time before Bertha could make it through the door. "Yes mother, ill go now" i said sounding as innocent as I could.

If only the boy with blue eyes, the one in my dreams were real and could save me.


Sorry it's short.... Please help me out and comment below and fan me !

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