Chapter 6 VOTE!

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Natalie's POV**

"Hey Girls, I see you've found our table" Harry takes a seat beside Kara, Kara's heart most probably about to explode.

"Hi" Kara said more calmly.

"So mind if we sit?" Asked one with a tinge of American in his voice. He was British but I swear he sounded half American, and he had the slightest bit of a stubbly beard that added a bit of edge to his style.

"Sure. I mean It's your table" I answered with a smile.

"Where's Niall" asked kara.

"Uh don't no. He just left with no reason" answered Harry.

"I think he went to the loo" answered Liam. He, Niall and Harry were the only people I knew the names of in the band and I felt rude to ask who the others were... Especially since I told Kara I wouldn't be rude.

The other boys took seats around us and awkwardly giving glares at one anther. One with really gorgeous features like I mean he was hot! Perhaps even photoshopped. He kept glancing over as he sat beside me, his bold jaw line tensing.

"Sorry I'm late lads!" Spoke of course Niall. He stopped and smiled down at me before taking a seat in front of me.

Niall looked up at me with a big pleasurable smile spreading on that little face of his, his cheeks looked quite flushed but why wasn't he wearing a mask?

"Where's the food?!" Asked Niall seeming upset.

"We'll obviously not here" I blurt with a giggle and slightly smile while Niall just gave me a dirty glare.

"May I ask why aren't you wearing your mask" I asked thinking that the other boys wore their mask but Niall didn't.

"Yeah, lad why aren't you wearing it? We are off stage" the boy with skeptic features had asked.

"I- oh must of left it back stage" he simply replied.

"Mmm" I hum and took a sip of my water.

"So what did you two think of the performance" asked Liam.

"IT WAS BEAUTIFUL" said an eager Kara.

"Your beautiful" said Harry. I could defiantly tell he was the flirt, the cheeky one, the one who wins the girls.

"Hehe" Kara flirtatiously giggled as making googley eyes at Harry. At that moment I wanted to face palm my self but I knew that would be rude. Even my dress became more fascinating, I didn't really like the fact that I was sitting at a table with strangers, even worse. A stuck up band. I stared down at my dress under the table and started fiddling with the design, I then felt a pair of eyes watch me.

"And you?" Asked Niall who was the one staring at me, his eyes glisten and his large hands lay crossed on the table.

I looked up to see his bright blue eyes, I felt as if I'd met them before but that's impossible.

"I uh- thought it was pretty cool" I finally answered.

"But I'm sure who ever you dedicated the song to loved it" I tried sounding like I cared.

"But instead she thought it was 'pretty cool' " Niall stated, his eyes rolling.

Great he had to be talking about me now for sure. I heard kara laugh silently over the other side of the table, I could tell she was over hearing our small talk. I bet she was thinking she's right about Niall liking me,Which he wouldn't because we seem to- well have certain ways of communicating.

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