Chapter 21

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~Fell into place~

"Well that was..." He smiled down and leant his forehead against mine.

"Perfect" he whispered lastly before replacing his lips back on mine in such a tight clasp.

But the kiss was soon interrupted by dogs howling. Niall moved back straight way and cursed under his breath.

"Shit, I wasn't expecting it to end this soon but we have to go" Niall said and took my hand, he shot me a guilty look.

"Why?" I asked disappointed, things were great for once.

"Because this is someone's property and I'm pretty sure we have been spotted" Niall smiled as if so casual about this.

He's so evil.

"Niall!" I yell.


"Lecture me later but right now lets go!" He started running along with me behind him.

One thing I want to know is who would want to live so close to a high way... Unless its a big property that is.

Soon enough I felt scared and the magical feeling was drained. The stars seemed less romantic as did the moon that lit our way to the bus.

"Quick just climb under here we are taking a short cut" he said.

I looked in front of me to see a fence and a large field. It looked better then trees and howling dogs chasing after us... I nod and climb under, Niall being protective as he is holding my hand and making sure I'm at his pace.

"I think we've out ran them..." Niall huffs as we make our way through the long thick weeds that were a pale orange autumn colour.

"Can we stop"I pleaded out of breath.

"Okay but duck down in the grass" Niall whispered.

I didn't even have to argue with that answer, I fell straight to the ground on my back and facing the stars while I breathed out finding air. Niall fell beside me with a slight amused smile.

"What are you smiling about" I breathed out and turned my head to him.

"You. Your just so pretty even when your out of breath" he laughed.

"Oh and it's not like your not the most attractive person right now either" I retorted with a grin.

I poke my tongue out so immaturely before looking back to the breath taking scenery that was above us. The soft grass started tickling my sensitive skin but I didn't care, Niall was beside me and that was all I thought about even if the grass was now itching like crazy!

"Ugh, come'er" Niall said in a low voice, his accent suddenly strong and bold.

He swung around turning on his side and placing his muscular arm on the side of me, he studied me following my lips and eyes. Without hesitation he kissed me for what seemed like the first time because every time he kissed me, it is stronger then the last one and more fireworks explode.

But those dam dogs made this once again less of a romantic moment...

Niall and I started laughing through our lips which were still intact. He moved back and laid on his side looking at me as if i was some piece of art work. I could hear the faded out yells of owners calling the dogs...

"We'll that didn't go as planned" Niall said once more.

"I suppose your right" I giggled.

"You know it's hard to say that before you were so dense and closed like a book... Now you're.. You're different. I mean the good different. Your still you but your more open and less uptight and but more giggly. You should smile more often" Niall tapped my nose before standing up and dusting himself of.

"Uptight huh" I got up to following in his movements and dusting of behind my back side.

Please let there be no mud... Please let it not look like I shat myself.

"You were something Nat. We hated each other and look at us now, well you hated me" Niall corrected and supposedly he was right.

"Look forget about the past. This was suppose to be a restart, so..." I moved him along with my words.

"Right! yeh. Uh- Let's start walking back" he reached out for my hand which i didn't ignore.

I slowly and with all trust hold his back and he pulls me closer to his warm body.

I yawned and leant my head against his shoulder. "How long will it take to get there" I asked still with my mouth wide open from yawning.

Oh that's attractive Natalie.

"3 minutes at least, you tiered? It's only 7:00" he stated while having his free hand lay freely across my cheek then pushing away strands of my blonde hair which fell in my face.

"I guess I got jet lag" I shrugged abit and closed my eyes

I could barley keep up with his steps my feet were getting wobbly now. I could of sworn it took 5 minutes to get here so why does it take longer to get back? I could hear the sounds of me practically being dragged on the ground by Niall.

"Your such a princess, princess." Niall whispered in my ear as he swiped me up in his arms and held me what assumed to be bridal style. i felt so warm and comfortable being close to his chest and feeling every heart beat. I was to tiered to even open my eyes.

"Niall" I yawned once more.

"Yeah" he whispered softly.

Dammit! He knew when he whispers it makes me more sleepy and weary. Not to mention sent some goosebumps and tingles up my spine.

"I- I think I'm falling for you" I blurted out. I was tiered... It's kinda me being drunk but with no alcohol intoxicated in my body.

I could sense Niall smiling and looking down at me while he still took large steps.

"Niall" I whisper more quietly then last time.

"Yeah" he replied.

"Stop staring... Please" I smiled with my eyes still shut.

At that moment it reminded me of when we were on the plane and I felt Nialls glare. I smiled as I remembered that's when we first kissed.

He laughed, oh that adorable sweet loving laugh, But I could still feel his gaze set on me. Is it possible for someone's feelings to shift so much? Perhaps I should stop thinking about the past and think about now, other wise the past may just catch up.

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