Chapter 14

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~VOTE PLEASE :) sorry for spelling mistakes ect...~ At least 200 votes and 60 comments? If it takes way to long ill update.


Niall's POV**


I could see she had no response. It scared me, I don't know what to expect of her, whether she will hate me more, think its a joke, like me back, slap me, the list varies. But either way i'ed completely understand her choices although ill be seeing alot of her and can't bare that things will be awkward and quiet.

"I-I I don't- know. Are you really your own cousin" She spoke un-surly. Well that's a good start i'ed say.

I nodded, "I'm the one who you danced with, kissed, talked..."

She steps back seeming incapable of touch, my hand slips away from her cheek and she shakes her head as she steps back not leaving my eyes. She didnt seem mad but seemed upset it was me, her eyes were squinted as if trying to hold tears from Slipping while her eye brows furrowed. I kept rethinking...

'Please don't hate me. Please don't hate me'

"You- you can't be. Your lying!" Her voice got more angry

She looked away not wanting to see my face, she was disappointed. She new it was me but she is trying to convince her self not, I can tell by the way she seems so upset around me.

"No look at me!" I instructed her while stepping in her way. I cupped her face pulling it to my level. I looked her straight in the eyes.

"You said you weren't afraid of anything, then why are you stepping down from us!" I couldn't help but to spread my 'feelings' as you'd call it. She needed to hear it.

"I'm not afraid- but it's just stupid, You can't be him you can't be! You hate me, you don't even like me I mean you don't even have the charm like he did you- just don't. You don't seem like him at all..." Her voice trailed of, she wiggled out of my arms in denial.

"Listen to me Nat! I do like you. I might even love you one day!" I admitted. She stopped moving around and froze to when I told her I might love her.

I squeezed the sides of her arms so that'll she'd stay and listen.

"No your lying you only just met me" she started to cry. I hate it when she cries.

"Shh- it's alright, I'm not lying trust me..." I whispered.

"Remember how I first met you, you were leaning against a pole and I was on the other side. You were watching kara and Harry dance and I thought, How could no one see such a beautiful girl all alone. And then I-I" I hit my

Forehead, thinking he stupid I was.

"I was being a cocky douche and we danced and I told you to meet me. I told you to come out and you did so you must of cared, then you shook of your shoe and I replaced it back on. Called you princess and... And we kissed, and then all I remember last, was falling for you" I said.

I loosened up my grip on either side of her arms and waited for her to speak, I thought I might have one last thing to say before she talks or possibly runs away on us.

"That boy, with the blue eyes, that mystery guy. He was me... He still is me. But you need to understand that I only acted different as Niall because you hated me and how do you think it felt when you hated me but the other mystery side of me you liked, it was like being afraid of my own identity and only now I decided to be real with you " I hoped she'd understand what I was saying.

"You can't like me. Or love! You can't" she banged on my chest while barely making those words escape. She was so out of breath, so upset and messed up.

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