Chapter 25

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The loud thump in my heart begins to excel exceedingly. My palms getting sweaty and my body twitching uncomfortably, all to do with Niall.

Both he and I had been staring at each other from across the bus for a good 5 minutes now, and not that im telepathic or anything but i can only swear he's pondering away in that head of his wondering if this is even real or not.

"So... Is anyone going to explain why- in the mad hatters head why we practically just did a felony or an illegal thing, I mean I'm no law enforcer but I'm pretty sure shutting the door in front of a cop and not obeying him is-"

"Quit it Liam!" Nialls eyes remained on me.

I didn't want to withhold his stare but I couldn't get my eyes away to look any where else. I anxiously fiddle with my hands that were laced together, the disgusting moistness made me sick. I was probably sweating like a fat man in sona!

And with that last lovely thought of moist hands, Niall with slight disruption to everyone's awareness had stalked of to where the drivers station was, all eyes following where he had walked to.

I watched upon Nialls backside as he lent down to the driver, whispering something to his ear. Unfortunately though my telepathic powers weren't as strong as they were a moment ago.

Now being able to take a break from Awkwardly staring at Niall, I look to Liam, whom was in the most obvious part frustrated and confused- two feelings that never mix well.
Everyone else in the giant bus had taken a seat, scattering everywhere in any place they could sit on in this crampy torture.

Luckily not feeling to alone, Kara was beside me, but Beside Kara was Harry and in front of us on the other side where Niall had sat, sat Louis and Zayn.

Liam being the only one stubbornly choosing to stand.

"We lost the cops, but they know where we are headed. I talked to the bus driver, he said we could take a pit stop at Hamiltons hotel instead of taking the jet- but only for a night and then we go to Europe" Niall spoke softly but with control and power.

Judging by Liam's face, he didn't appreciate that.

"Niall you can't just change the whole tour for a girl! What about the fans? What about the fans waiting for us in Nashville!" Liam crossed his arms, he stayed standing against the brown wooden wall. I felt like Liam was faking his love in that sentence.

The room was tense, no one else but Liam dared to question Niall. One thing I couldn't get my head around though was... If Niall does know me, or my name by the least, that means something in my dream was true, or something about these Weird memories of the boy with blue eyes meant something but that doesn't make sense to as why everyone is acting differently to how they were in my dreams. I mean you'd expect that if something as supernatural and crazy as this little vendetta, the dream would be more of a future preference? Liam should be acting like the kind brother he was in my dreams and Niall should be acting like the arrogant jerk? It's like- It's swapped.

"We will still go there Liam! Nothing has changed, I just swapped the places around so we can go to Europe first-"

"Nothing has changed my ass! You just said-"

Liam stood straight and tall, almost seeming to take a swing at Niall but Harry had broken the line between them.

"Liam calm down." Harry's gentle voice spoke, his hands holding Liam's chest back.

"How can you all just sit here and let him do this? We all know she is crazy, Niall you should know more then any one else in this room!" Liam still being held back by Harry was beginning to start fire, and this fire was just a twinkle. Liam pointed to me, everyone staring in that direction, but niall.

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