Chapter 7

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Natalie's POV**


I have to admit I was kind of nervous... He never even told me why he wanted to meet me here. At 12, he could have just danced with me again or eaten with us. But then again, a little mystery didn't hurt anybody.

I jogged up stairs quickly running pass where Kara and the boys sat and avoided them as much as possible so there weren't any questions that would be asked. With much success, I pushed through the door that had small squares of transparent glass looking like tiny windows all over the door, straight away the air hitting my face and the world showing me the beautiful view of the stars and a small garden with an open gazebo. I walked out turning my head to each side as if I were to cross a busy road, no one was there. I sighed and started walking over to the edge to where there was a little garden overlapping over the fence, small flowers and vines crossing over the rusted beauty.

"Stupid heel" I muttered out loudly as I stumbled because of the heel. I'm not really use to heels, especially when they aren't use to my low temper. My feet were aching and the amount of times I had almost slipped in these was endless.

I got abit to stressed at one little shoe and kicked it of with anger, leaving it in my path and causing me to be unbalanced.

I still can't believe that the boy

I dream about May be real, the boy who helps me mentally but impossibly could very much be real.

"Stupid heels these days" said someone behind me. I turned around straight away to see the mysterious boy with blue eyes and the turquoise mask.


"Oh you... Uh saw that" I said being a bit embarrassed, my cheeks flushing pink.

"Yeh, sorry I was late" he said and started walking more into sight. He looked down at my shoe and picked it up, even though we weren't that far apart and I could have easily of gotten it myself, he was still a gentleman and had picked up the shoe for me.

"Your adorably funny" He laughed, his eyes squinting from his big smile.

"What?" I asked.

"You got annoyed with one shoe so you kick that of but yet you still keep the other one on?" He said as he smirked. the kind of smirk that gave me butterflies.

"Oh... I'm... I'm really weird" I said tucking a piece of blonde hair that had fallen in my view behind my cold visible ears.

I could tell in his eyes he didnt think I was so comfortable around him. Sure he had charm, looks, gorgeous eyes but he could be a creep for all I know, and that suggestion is overruled considering he's Nialls cousin and is like the boy from my dreams. It just makes this situation more creepy.

"Well I like weird"

He smiled, gazing at my vulnerable state.

"here let me" he said walking up now being more visible to my eyes.

"Let you what?" I asked stupidly

"Put your shoe on" he said.

"Ohh don't go all Cinderella on me now" I laughed.

He laughed back, "don't worry I can do it" I said reaching out for the shoe but he pulled it away and knelt down.

"No- no it's fine" he spoke softly. Well this isn't awkward at all...

I guess he's pretty cute, pretty mysterious, pretty cocky but funny. He was just like the boy! Also had alot of sweetness about him but I didn't have much of that considering I don't really like many people. It's only rare I do, is what Kara always says.

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