Chapter 18

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Natalie's POV**


By now the fans would be wondering why Niall wasn't back from his 'pee' time, I knew we had to talk about this. This as in me and Niall but unfortunately not now.

"You should go... You need to say goodbye to your fans" i gestured through the dim window showing the crowd of people and the empty stage. As i pointed with my index finger Niall had carefully watched to where I'ed pointed, I drop my hand back down but only for Niall to take it in his and hold it in his hands.

"I don't want to go..." He mumbled out.

He sounded like a nagging teenager... It made me smile.

"We are going to see each other again? In like 10 minutes. It's not that long" I held back his hand.

"Yeh I know, but it's to long for me. I really liked where we were going before, with the whole new slate kinda thing" he admitted sheepishly and blushed.

"Me to" i blush as well as looking into his sparkly eyes that twinkled sea blue.

"Well how about we continue this on our first date... Tonight, a date that celebrates us starting over" Niall asked.

He sure does have a cute way of asking me on a date... And don't get me wrong, it's my first date. Not just with him but with any guy, so of course I would want it to be memorable and sweet.

"Is that your way of asking me on one?" I chuckled.

He watched down carefully as if studying my hands, his large long fingers traced around the palm and my wrist and then back all over again in the same motion, he nodded as an answer to my question.

"So what do you say... A date. Tonight. I'm sure even though we will be on a bus i can think of something, I will just have to tell you when it's ready" he mysteriously smiled.

It seemed he'd already planned this date, just from the way he speaks and looks.

"Its a date" i smiled up to him, i felt the tips of my eye lashes touch my eye brows as i looked up.

"Good" Niall immediately replied before ducking down to my level about to kiss me, his lips brush against mine but before they were placed they'd moved back in fright of someone's sudden voice.

"Niall come on!" Yelled what seemed to be Liam and kara who stood by the spinning stairs that went around in a spiral direction.

I moved back away from Niall not seeming so suspicious of what we were about to do, Liam seemed more interested in going back down to say goodbye to the fans and finishing of the concert but kara who was amused and entertained by this situation.

Niall's hands slip away as he looks back and smiles as if saying goodbye forever.

He then spoke out the words in a soft gentle whisper; I love you. As soon as those words had mouthed out from his lips my heart melted. Not in a bad way but in a way that made my eyes flutter, my hands sweat more, my head spin, this feeling being inside of me screaming out with happiness.

I'm not sure how I had dramatically changed my feelings towards him but I wasn't going to question, I was happy. And if I'm happy then that means he's something special, but I really don't want to be the one who breaks and screws over his life. I'm more trouble then he and everyone else considers myself as, especially since I'm considering leaving once we get to Paris...

"Come on lad!" Liam placed his hand on Niall's back before they started running of out of sight down the spiral stair case, kara had moved behind the black cinema chair I'ed sat in.

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