Chapter 17

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Thanks for your sweet comments :) by the way keep voting! I seriously promise you this story will be better once there is a little love action. There twill probably be a lot of mistakes in this haha I couldn't be bothered editing it properly so sorry!


Niall's POV**


We'd now recently just changed, I was wearing Harry's outfit and he had warn mine. The rest of the boys had also changed to as its apart of our show to change with the boys, it's just a little fun and traditional thing we do. We only had 3 more songs and some chatting to do and then we were done for the show, kara and Natalie seemed to be enjoying the show, I could tell by the smiles plastered on their faces.

We were now singing little things, a song that only reminded me of Natalie and her little things. The whole crowd was silent as they listened to our every lyric, and watched our movements closely. Most fans crying from the lyrics that had spoken out to them which was what we intended, but with the intention of telling them that they are all beautiful and we love their little things. This song was suppose to be for every girl out there... But right now it was only revolving around one

"You'll never love your self-" I sung as I looked through the crowd but squinting my eyes as a big light shines on me.

"You'll never know- I'm here. For you. If I let you know-" during those lyrics, I turned away from the crowd ever so slightly, staring in Natalie's direction. She was so beautiful, and I'm not just realising that now, I've always known how beautiful she was but now there's something more different about her smile, something more true and valuable, it hurts me be the one to always ruin it, always take away her valuable smile because I've been a fool. I want to fix this, I want whatever feelings I have for her to be gone or to be proven, but just another little thing I love about her is her stubborn side always getting in the way of that.

I turned to face her and started walking to side stage, she clearly new i was Serenading her and so did zayn. his unpleased face was death staring me, forgetting that I had a big crowd in front of me. I quickly turn back to the crowd and sang the last few words before lowering my mic beside me and huffing out with deep breaths, I turn my head once more to see Nat who was now gone... And kara giving me a sympathetic glare.

I new we had one more song to do, just one but I couldn't survive through one more song without sorting everything out. I turn my back to the crowd of fans and the boys start to circle around me noticing my worried expression.

"Go get her" Liam had pat me on my shoulder.

"No! We have one more song he can't just vanish" zayn protested along with Louis who had a following of Zayns opposing opinion.

I stepped back, not knowing what to do, the crowd had put on ( what the hell is going on) faces.

"Sorry guys Niall needs to pee!" Harry said into his microphone. Straight away I smile to Harry as his excuse seemed to please the fans, all of them giggling at me

Thank you styles!

I ran of stage slightly smiling but my smile got torn of as I saw no Nat hiding from behind kara.

"Where-" I start.

"She said she needed to call someone and wanted to be alone... And then she walked away" kara said, not really helpful but helpful enough to know she's somewhere around here. In this big arena.

Before I could walk away Kara gripped onto my arm, not seeming impressed of my actions.

"She wants to be alone Niall" she sighed.

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