Chap. 1 - Hungry

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A/N so yeh here is chap 1 this is 1 year after the prologue they are now 11

3rd person POV

"Tommy" Tubbo said from the tree ( A/N: they live in the forest now read the prologue) " yes Tubs?" " were out of food again" " Oh I see wait here, hey Ran" Tommy said while reaching to Ranboo " Do you want to do it today or should I?" " can you do it I did it last time" Ranboo said to tommy, tommy nodded and got ready. He had to put on some of his old clothes. he wore a white t-shirt with a red outline, he put on a red scarf to cover some scratches on his neck, Then he put on a hood to hide his face and his ears (A/N: I just want to clarify I have seen so many drawings of racoon tommy and I find it cool so I will make all their appearances based on the drawings I saw, reference image on the top)

"Tubs, Ran come here please." tommy shouted " yes Tomathy" they both said " ok first stop calling me 'Tomathy' and second I'm leaving now and if someone comes Ran please teleport near the second tree where we hangout together k." Ranboo nodded " and Tubbo remind this to Ranboo if he forgot and take care of yourself while I'm gone K." "geez tommy stop acting like your our dad or somethin' it makes you weird" Tubbo said to tommy " hey I do not sound like I am your dad and- ugh fine I got to go and get you some food k bye" "BYE!!!" they said together. 

-----------------------------------TIME SKIP---------------------------------------


I am now running and dodging the trees that are intron of me. I got tired so I decided to walk to the market I was really hungry I did not eat anything last night and I don't want to get to tired on my way there. I continued walking on the path I have made for myself to see and saw some villagers and stalls so I knew I was near the market I hop down onto a small creek I tiptoe to the market and walk by some random old man to not look suspicious. I walked by a stall for the apples and lightly touched some apples for them to fall onto my hand, the person who was selling it could not see because he needed a sip of water from the back 'this is how you get your apples stolen, sucks to be you' I thought. I took 4 apple and went to the near bread store and did the same thing but more cautiously because there way people who might see me thieving. After getting some more food that could last us Ranboo, Tubbo and I for a whole week I went back into the forest. 

It was a pretty way long back so I took the time to think of my actions, I mean I stole from some old dude who probably worked his life of for some money for his family. But it was worth it before Ranboo and I got the idea of stealing food we were eating anything we could find and that included a lot of poisonous stuff which was really bad at first but we kind of got used to I so we can intake poison (A/N remember kids DONT EAT OR DRINK POISON it will kill your goldfish :} oh ye and you:{) which was really bad but if someone prisoned us we wouldn't die so hah deal with that life. After walking for what felt like thirty minuets I finally reached our little home it was made of leaves but hey It was home to me. 

"TOMATHY!!!!!" Tubbo and Ranboo jumped onto Tommy. "huh? oh hey guys AHhHHH! get of meeeeeeee!" They both got of Tommy "Oh my god hiii we missed you so much. Did you get food?" Ranboo said, "of course I did who else would feed you animals- I mean my brothers heh" Tommy said to them both. " HEYYY we are not animals Tommy but can we have lunch now please We were starving." Tubbo added after tommy. "k just wait. let me prepare" Honestly I didn't have much to prepare just needed to hide the food. I Grab some rope and Tied it to a very tall tree. 

" okay time to EAT" I took 3 apples for the three of us and gave one to my brothers. "thanks Tomathy" "yeh thanks Tomathy" Ranboo and Tubbo said just to annoy me. " stop calling me Tomathyyyy" then they started laughing at what I said. Honestly they are the best and I don't mind being called Tomathy but I will never  say that to their faces. 

-----------------After eating (it is weird to write about them eating and it is now nighttime)---------------------

I climbed up on a tree to go to sleep and laid down on a thick branch from a tall tree but, I was restless, my body was sleepy but my brain would not stop thinking. Then I felt a little tug on my arm it was Tubbo, "Tom I can't sleep" "same" they looked down to see Ranboo below them.  "hi Ran" They both said.  " Can I sleep with you tonight Tom?" " Yeh same question Tom." Tubbo and Ranboo said, " sure why not guys come here" 

We all slept on a thick branch that I chose and we went to sleep hugging each other.


A/N And that is a wrap hope you like it :] please take care and have a good day and please remember that you are loved

Word count: 915

(please bare with me I am trying to write longer chapters but my hands say no)

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