Chap.6 - I don't have a title

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Wil POV (it will not be focused on Wil soon)

I woke up next morning it was a little late around 10 AM and I felt still tired 'my body aches' I tried to stand up but ended up falling down with a thud owwww god damnit my stupid ass foot, techno ran to my room and slammed the door open "the hell happened Wil" He pulled me up and and helped me limp to the bed "I completely forgot I broke my foot last night owowow careful" I said "sorry sorry come on we need to get you fixed up" he took my hand and put it on my shoulder he led me on, to the doctors, "oh prince Wilbur prince Techno, how may I help you today?" a girl nurse said "Hello Niki, Will here has broken his leg" techno said as he looked at me "ohh I see ok Wil can you lift up your leg to the stool here" I did as she said and she lifted up my leg her eyes went wide "umm what the heck what is this wil? Did you do this?" Niki said while removing the makeshift bandage, I looked at her confused, oh right last night "It doesn't really matter but someone helped me last night when I broke my leg" I said back to her to answer her question

"Oh I see they did a pretty good job surprisingly from using leaves but anyway, I will like to tell you, you just sprained your leg not fracture which is a good thing just need like 2 days of rest and you will be as good as new" (A/N btw this is a lie I think, my sister is in med school but like I dunno if this is true) Niki said with a big smile "ok thank you again Niki" I said tried standing up but failed almost immediately "Jesus careful Wil" Techno said as he pulled me up he helped me limp to my room and he placed me in bed "sleep bitch" Techno said as he slammed the pillow on my head I flipped him off and he left with a scoff. (A/N hey that rhymed, right? or am I just being stupid anyway-) I went into a short slumber


Tommy POV

I was messing around with Tubbo, running around trying to catch him until he tripped on a rock "OW-" Ranboo looked at our direction and started laughing at Tubbo and so did I, I had a few laughs before I helped him up "oh shut up Tomathy" I looked at him annoyed "How many times did I tell you, not to call me like that" I argued "oh shut up we all now you like itttt" Tubbo said dragging out the t, Me and Tubbo started to argue, we shouted things to each other back and forth, "Will you guys not argue at 10 in the flipping morning?" Ranboo said complaining to us "Shhhh ran you know that will never happen so just dream and wish" Tubbo said in a teasing voice like he knew it would irritate him Ranboo just scoffed at us and went on top of a tree.

So while he did that Tubbo and I decided to continue playing and messing around. It was around 1PM now so time to mess with Ranboo "Ohhhh Ranbooo" Tubbo said "Oh hello guys, what do you need?" he said clueless "Come on lets go into the forest" I said "what do you mean into the forest we are literally living I on" Ranboo replied back "oh shut up you know what I mean" I jumped down and we waited for him "fine fine fine just wait" he jumped down and us three went deep into the forest we went deeper inside and it was really pretty it had leaves that fell on the floor, some butterflies were there and of course bee's Tubbo loves bee's.

I flopped down and laid there Ranboo followed my lead while Tubbo was running around with the bees there. It was calming here I like it, All of us stayed like that until I noticed it was late around 6PM 'oh well time to go' I stood up and saw that Ranboo was asleep, Tubbo was doing his own thing I whispered to Tubbo that we should go now he nodded and stood up I didn't want to wake up Ranboo do I carried him on my back. Tubbo looked at me and had a small giggle I kicked him at the leg and he yelped.

We walked back and I put Ranboo on the "bed" He was fast asleep so I decided to do the same and so did Tubbo although it was still 6PM right now and we did not have dinner we still slept as always.

A/N hi hello thank you so much for the reads anyway this is a very small filler oh yeh and btw Ranboo and Tommy are older that Tubbo (not in real life I think) so they were already 12 in the first few chapters (realized this while re-reading it and I wrote it while I was dumb and sleepy so yeh hope this make sense bye

Wordcount: 811

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