Chap.2 - Tubbo's birthday

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3rd person POV

Tubbo woke up and saw that Ranboo and Tommy was not there with him anymore sleeping.

Tubbo was kind of confused but he jumped down the tree then tommy said "hey birthday boy" and hugged then Tubbo looked at Ranboo to see Ranboo cutting a apples and turning it into apple slices, "happy birthday Tubbo" he said with a smile. I smile at them and shout "its my birthdayyyyy!!!" very loudly "YESSS IT IS BEE BOYYY!!!" Tommy said also loudly " Shush Tommy and Tubbo people will hear you two" Ranboo cut in, " O come on Ran its a birthday tradition, we shout very loudly." Tommy said " yes like what Tommy said shout and scream!!!!." "ugh fine since it is your Birthday Tubs HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO TUBBO!!!!!!, happy?" Ranboo asked " Yes very hehe" " hmm ok come on lets eat." -----------------time skip-----------------------

Ranboo POV:

I put on some of my old clothes just some black pants and long sleeves I put on a hood to cover my identity."Ranboo do you really have to go?" Tubbo asked me "yes I do Tubs, unless you want to do it." "No I don't want to I did it last time and I do not like stealing unlike you two criminals" "it was Ranboo's Idea to steal not mine I am not part of this argument" Tommy said to Tubbo. " yes it may be my idea, but you are the best one here who can steal." I replied to Tommy "I don't know if I should feel offended or grateful "honestly I have to get going before the market closes down. BYE!!!!" "BYEEEEE RAN". I started to jog my way thru the path Tommy has made it was very hard to see so no one could figure out the way to our 'home' but I could still see it. I looked up to see it almost 4 PM well time to hurry up now so I started to run not to fast so I wouldn't get hurt. I jumped down onto a creek and ran to the market, once I finally reached the market I slowed down and walked beside a random middle aged woman to look like I have a mother and not an orphan. even though I was.

I continue walking until I saw the pumpkin pie shop I knew Tubbo like pumpkin Pie so I had to get it for his birthday. I went behind the shop to distract the owner I got a small rock from my pocket and threw it at the owners window. once he was distracted I went in the store and stole 3 slices of pie and I planed to leave after but then I felt a hand on my hood "heh? oh um I-" I had not have human interaction except with Tubbo and Tommy so I was very awkward with people I didn't know "where do you think your going?" I was scared I gulped and said the most stupidest thing I have ever said in my life "⍜⊑ ⊑⟟" (A/N: look ok I got it from some website I do not know the enderman language nor do I know if it is correct so get on with your day and pretend I said the right thing K) I said that and when turn around everyone was staring at me I felt very nervous  and so with that I ran very fast. I was almost at the forest but I was stopped by a scream "come back here you thief!!!!" I did not come back I just ran and ran and ran but making little turns to that I knew no one was following me. I stopped to catch a breath and looked up 'probably 5PM I have to hurry up' I tried to run but I was to tired so I resorted to the last hope I got I looked around to see if anybody was there but I saw no one so I teleported back to my home.  


I was back at camp finally, my legs hurt. I huff loud enough to make Tommy And Tubbo look at me. "Oh my god Ranboo are you okay you look exhausted." I heard Tommy say, "yes I am fine Tommy just a little tired" I replied back to him "Ranboo I miss you we thought you were dead " he cried. "I'm sorry Tubbo please don't cry look what I got for your birthday Pumpkin pie your favorite right?" "Yes it is thank you Ranboo" Tommy set up the pie for Tubbo's birthday and then we gave it to Tubbo "happy 12th Birthday BEE BOYYY" Tommy and I shouted " thanks guys" he said with a smile on his face. 

-----------------------after eating-------------------------------------------

Tubbo was finally asleep so It was only Tommy and I "Tom" "Yes Ran?"Tommy looked at me. "ok so please don't get mad so umm I may have or may have not got caught by someone and spoke enderman to them out of fear hehe." "What? how? Did they hurt you? Did they find camp?" He said with his face full of concern and fear, yes fear we have never got caught before this was the only time this has happened and it is all my fault. "no they did not hurt me or see my face and they do not know that this is our camp....... because I teleported out of there," His face was suddenly full of more fear " hey hey but its ok no one saw me." "no it is not fine Ran you may have gotten hurt and felt tired!!" he cried then I heard some movements we both looked at Tubbo who moved we thought we were caught "huff* Ran lets talk about this in the morning we don't want to wake Tubbo huh" Tommy said I nodded and we went to bed near Tubbo I closed my eyes and finally have some rest.......

It is all your fault

you endangers you family

you killed your dad


but Ranboo I thought we were friends right?


too bad ranran we are friends and I will always be a part of you forever

A/N well I am very proud this chapter xhwbdcbfrehwbqh anyway hope you enjoy! remember to take care of yourself and remember that you are loved 

wordcount: 1038 

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