Chap. 15 - I got poisoned yall

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(this ganna be short like 800 hundred words or somethin)


I was just sitting on the garden path watching Tubbo and Ranboo playing tag. Ranboo was feeling better now after like what 3-4 days of sleeping and not waking up, for a second me and Tubbo started planning a funeral for him. But happily he woke up after me and Tubbo made the final prayers to him, but we both prayed that he didn't see us making it. And now that Ranboo's physical health is better we could play around like usual and have fun. So right now Ranboo was getting chased by Tubbo with his 10th birthday present a nuke.

It wasn't real, well it could work but it wouldn't like kill us, it would only make a huge smoke explosion. Ranboo and I made it for him because he had a certain interest for it and he really wanted one, so I learnt how to make the smoke explosions and bombs and Ranboo painted it with his creativity.

And right now Tubbo was chasing Ranboo with it. Ranboo of course knew that it wouldn't hurt him but he still didn't want to get tagged by Tubbo. I only watched because I was already caught and had to be the next chaser soon after Tubbo won this round in less than 1 minute.

If he loses then he has to chase us again and try to tag us. I counted the seconds and "30 seconds BITCH" Ranboo jumped up a rock that was in front of him but Tubbo hit it "FUCK".

Ranboo stayed up there on the rock looking at me "times over BeeBoy" Tubbo groaned in response to my statement "fuck you" he whispered shortly after, I flipped him off while Ranboo helped him up.

We continued playing Tag for a bit before we got bored and decided that we wanted to play Hide&Seek. But neither of us wanted to find people no no, we wanted to be hiding like we were about to get killed.

But we had to all be hiding but if we were all hiding then no one would try to catch us. Tubbo, Ranboo and I just sat in a circle next to each other and tried to summon God or something. But we failed so we tried summoning Satan instead but also failed, so with a sad heart we just ended up listening to Tubbo rambling about how he could kill everyone here if we learn how to make real nukes. Ranboo was making a flower crown out of twigs and I just listened to Tubbo's plan of murder.

"I'm just saying arson might be legal if we don't get caught right?" Tubbo reasoned

"Well technically yes if we don't get caught we are fine but if we do it's illegal" I responded back and Ranboo nodded in approvement.

"But like if you just make like real life NUKES then we could kill everyone here. But for some reason you just won't" Tubbo said clearly annoyed

"Oh come on, you know we could, but we don't have the resources right now. If y\we could get our hands on plutonium or enriched uranium or maybe some explosives we could make some you know. But guess what DOES IT LOOK LIKE WE HAVE THAT?!?!" I reply back slightly shouting the last part, that one of the guards looked at us strangely.

"So like how about we just commit murder instead of shouting and making nukes, it's much easier. You don't need anything else but a knife or just our hands, we could strangle them to death you know?" Ranboo said, trying to calm the mood.

"Yeah Ranboo's right, if we try and kill people without NUKES, then it would be easier" I said approving to Ranboo's statement

"Yeah I know that but like it's less like satisfying, but I guess blood is fine" Tubbo said to me.

"But we have to not get caught because that is illegal right" Ranboo added to what Tubbo just said.

"So like is murder possible if-"

"If what? Hm?" Tubbo got cut off by Techno yes the prince. I completely forgot we were staying in the castle for a sec.

"No no, I'm curious about your conversation about killing people and nukes and so is Wilbur, so continue. Murder is possible if?" Tubbo stared at them with a loss of words, while Ranboo and I were trying our best not to laugh at him.

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