Chap. 5 - HIDE & SEEK

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TUBBO POV (I'm running on 4 hours of sleeppp)

(A/N this is at night with wil just a few minutes before tho-)

It was night now and we decided to play hide and seek it was way better at night so much fun I was so excited. "ok so I will be seeker and you guys hiders ok" Ranboo said as he turned around to a tree he started counting "ok 1,2,3-" Tommy started running a random direction I ran east, tommy ran north-west I ran far enough and hid under a cliff.

 I stood there I heard some leaves crunching 'awhhh man I already got caught but not if I hide more heheheheh' I looked at the direction of the noise It was dark but I saw someone he had a tiny bit of blood on his foot and he was limping 'is that Ranboo? he looks tall but too tall for Ran' "ummm hi why are you here at night?" I asked him "I got lost" he said embarrassed "no need to be embarrassed I get lost all the time, this is a big forest after all" I said we had a short an normal conversation when I noticed his leg again "so umm I could show you the way you want to go- if you want and I could also help with your limp" I asked hoping he would say no "ummm yes can you please help me I would really appreciate it" well fuck I nodded annoyed that I wasn't playing the game anymore I walked him over to a rock and grabbed some well 'bandages' "is it too tight?" I asked "no not really" he said uneasy God this is awkward after I was done I took his hand and said "come on let's go and hurry up my bro- never mind your family might be worried come on" I said I did not trust him at all we walked back out of the forest it was quiet but I didn't mind "hey umm so what is your name?" he said quietly "I don't trust you so just call me Toby" I replied back trust is not an option if I do not know this man "So what is your name" I asked him "just call me Wil" "K got it Wil".

After the long walk we reached the end of the forest "ok wil I will leave you from here stay safe bye" after that I ran fast hid behind a huge rock and saw him turn around, he looked confused but he jogged behind a huge wall.

I ran back to camp and saw that Ranboo and Tommy they were worried Tommy was on top of a tree and Ranboo was shouting my name "hey guyysss whats up" I said "TUBBO WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU MEAN 'HeY GuYs WhAtS Up' Tommy shouted "Glad you're back and safe we were worried Tubs, And ToMMY SHUSH it is late at night right now and calm down" I giggled "Lets sleep I'm tired" I said we climbed a tree and went to bed. It was a dreamless night.


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