Chap. 14 - Mr. Dream

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TW: I know I don't often do this but this may trigger you

'I open my eyes and was in complete darkness. I walk around the dark place "hello" I said, trying to find at least anyone who could tell me where I was. I continue to walk around until I saw a tall figure standing in front of me. It was a shadowy figure that was facing the opposite side from me. "H- Hello can you help me I-" He turned around and it revealed his glowing purple eyes. "Why hello Tommy" He went closer to me tilting his head while making a small wave to me. I back away from him "Don't touch me Ranboo" I said bitterly. It may be Ranboo's body but it was not him in control. It was a monster, I tried to tell tubbo but he just wouldn't believe me, he said 'no no no no NO, that's a lie he is our brother and he is just.... Just normal' Ranboo went a bit closer to me, "Tommy I miss you" 'Ranboo' had said to me. Walking closer and closer to me, until the gap between us was gone. He smiled and reached for my hand. "LET GO OFF ME" I shake his hand off mine, he didn't seem to like it when I did that because he slapped me really hard and it made my eye bruised. I blinked my eyes in pain and opened my eyes again. I look up back and Ranboo wasn't there anymore he was replaced by another person. This person had blond hair and had a mask on with a smiley face printed on it. He was fairly tall and had a green hood covering his body, his arms were wrapped around with dirty white bandages and he also wore black gloves and black shoes, there was also an axe strapped on his back. "Why hello there Tommy" He said, tilting his head and waving his hand at the same time in a swift motion. He snapped his fingers and then suddenly I was in a bright room with three chairs. "WHO ARE YOU" I said rather harshly toward him. He lifted up his hands defensively "now now calm down I'm your friend here bud and oh yes the names dream to answer your question" he said going closer to me and patting my head. He made a small giggle "no wonder my best friend is overprotective of you and your brother" I got confused and asked him "best friend, who is-" stopped patting my head and gripped it instead and threw me at the wall. "Ranran of course" he snapped his fingers again then Ranboo appeared. His body looked the same as before but his eyes were just purple. "Yes dream you cal- wel summoned me" Ranboo said in a tone. He looked at me and smiled, he went over to me and reached for my hand, I tried to grab him but he got pulled away "now now Ranran this isn't how we treat best friends. We don't just ignore them, we need to make them happy". Suddenly I felt my throat closing in on me. I started coughing and wheezing in pain "R *cough* anboo *wheeze and cough* help" I said in clear pain. I crawled toward Ran and gripped his foot. My breath was lessening more and more until I really felt like I was dying. "Oh you poor thing.... Kill him Ranboo" Dream said to Ran. Ranboo looked at him in surprise "what? I will most definitely not kill him", Ranboo saying this made Dream get mad. He snapped his fingers and then a knife appeared on top of my head "If you wont kill him then I WILL". I felt a sharp pain in my chest. Even though I was stabbed I could breathe again, so I tried to move out of the way but instead I just well crawl up into a ball and hoped for the best. But that is not how it works. I heard Dream walk in front of me. "You poor pitiful soul, GOODBYE", darkness surrounded me then it got replaced by a forest, the exact same forest when... I walk around for a bit and things started to change again and again into images that were terrible. It was like a horror movie playing at me. First, there was an image of happy Tubbo, Ranboo and I playing together in the sunshine, then it started to blur and it turned into an image where Ranboo had bright green strings tied to his arms, neck and legs. It looked like he was a puppet being controlled by a puppeteer. Third image was Ranboo he he was dead and so was Tubbo, Phil, wil, techno and I. Blood was splattered on the ground and bodies were limp and pale. That image was quick but it took its damage to me. When I Had thought it would be over I was really wrong because the next image was scarring. The next image, oh my. Um the next image was Ranboo but in his shadowy form, but Ranboo was dead in the past image before this so who. The shadowy figure tilted his head then jumped on me. Then things went dark and it's for real this time.

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