Chap. 11 - my long ass hair

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A/N thank you guys so much for 200+ reads I really appreciate this. Oh and Btw this is kind of a long chap soooo ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ just read as much as you want. 



I wake up feeling still tired. I sit up and both see my brothers still asleep, they seem to be really drained especially Tubs. I stretched my back and stood up from the bed, and went over to the mirror near the bedside. I look at myself 'God my hair is long, need to cut it soon' I started coming my hair out of my face 'the fuck I have bangs ok now I really need to cut it' I continued to look in the mirror then I felt a push behind my back. I look over 'oh it just Tubbo' "hey morning tubs what's wrong?" I asked if he looked at me and didn't say anything. He just looked at himself in the mirror. I also look back, I saw Tubby's reflection. His hair was way overgrown now it was almost up to his chin. I saw the white bandage that got tied on his left eye and it went up above his right one, Basically making him having an eyepatch, his horns are growing to but just like a little "you really need to cut your heir soon Tub's" I said he look at me and smiled "and so do you, you look like a fuckin-" "can you guys shut up. Someone is trying to sleep" Tubbo was cut of by Ranboo being a fucking sleepyhead "oh shut it Ran" I said to him he just scoffed and jumped on me.

He missed and hit Tubbo who fell and made me fall as well. Now all three of us were on the ground getting squished by a 5'4 kid. Ranboo was laughing his head of and I got up while Tubbo looked like he was going to die because he couldn't breath "Tommy helpp" he said Ranboo was sitting on him like he was a fucking chair and crossed his legs. I just look at Ran and grabbed him by the leg and pull him off Tubbo, and Tubbo ran behind me and stuck his tongue out to Ranboo. after that whole breathtaking experience for Tubbo we decided to sit on the bed and talk. I sat down while Tubbo was rambling about bees and chaos and Ranboo was clearly not listening and just nodding his head like he was. I was just laying there, I felt tired still, I closed my eyes and felt my senses sharpen a bit. I heard a person near our door whispering with another person. "Tommy- Tommy- TOMATHY" Tubbo shook me and shouted "shush" I said to him and covered his mouth with my palm. I close my eyes again and then they were quiet now. Ranboo and Tubs must've seen me trying to listen and looked straight at the door "what's wrong Tom?" Ran said, I opened my eyes again and smiled at them "Nothing tho- I thought I heard someone but it's probably nothing..." I said "Oh ok anyway back to what I was saying can I braid your hair Toms. You said it was getting long and we don't have anything to cut it with sooooo" Tubbo said Ranboo's face lit up and made a smile, the same smile that I will never ever forget....


I look at my reflection on the puddle, my hair was starting to look like Tubbo's when it was long, and plus I had bangs before. And it was growing again. I always cut my hair when it turns long, mostly because 1. It was fucking annoying and hot with long hair. Honestly how does Tubbo survive with long ass bangs but whatever. 2. I looked ugly with long hair and I didn't want them to see me with long hair.

So I thought of something fast before they came home, from finding food in the forest. I took my hands up to my hair and braided it, I wasn't decent with it, only Tubbo knows how to do this. I found a hair tie (don't ask where and why I have one, only ask Tubbo.) and tied my hair securing my braid and tada I was done. I looked up to see Ranboo laughing his ass off and Tubbo smiling with pride, I flipped Ran off and he laughed harder. "Tom why *laugh* are you braiding your hair *laugh* now?" Ran said to me, Tubbo smacked him and giggled at me. He went up to me and fixed my braid while Ranboo had a smile that I will never forget..........

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