Chap. 4 Finding them✔ caught them ❌

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(A/N this is day before Ranboo went back 'rewrote this')

Techno and I slowly ran back toward the castle as we did this. I thought about that boy. He was a little strange but he looked like he was desperate, like he needed to do this. But why? Does he have a family he needs to support? But it is still not an excuse to steal.

I was interrupted by my thoughts when I saw a large gate, "Let us in, we need to speak to the king" I heard Techno say "of course Prince's welcome back." the gatekeeper said to us while he lifted up the gate. As me and techno walked inside to go talk to the king.

We saw an old man complaining about things dad looked like he was talking about something serious as the old man left, dad sighed "hello techno and Wil, glad your back safe, how was your trip?" He asked us, "It was ok dad and today we saw someone steal from the bakery" Techno said as he grabbed me and left the room. "What are you doing? We are supposed to tell dad what happened, why are you dragging me to the bedroom? I asked very confused "Shush Wil someone is going to be talking to dad right now" He said he put his ear on the door "Techno we can't to do this, we can't just listen to dad's conversation" I was cut of by a familiar voice, oh fuck this I put my head against the door and listened "look I know that you are mad that someone stole something from you but you need to understand we will get them an-" Phil was cut of by him "I know what you are going to say, you always say that, like last time and guess what you adopted them" Techno and I looked at each other we knew he was talking about us.


'I watched as techno take a wallet from a rich person, techno took some money and put the wallet back techno ran away, then we heard a scream "come back here you brat give me back my money!!!" he said as he grabbed techno's and my neck "ahhh let us go" I said "Give me back my money first or I am throwing you in prison!!" the man threatened us "techno gives back the money please!!" I screamed at him "Fine sorry here" techno threw back the money at the man once he let go. We were about to run away when "Oh no you are not going to get away with that!" Then suddenly I blacked out and woke up in a bright room with a blonde-haired man. "You're finally awake, are you feeling better now" that's what I heard before I blacked out again....

---------------------------------end flashback-------------------------------

I was interrupted by my thoughts when I heard dad going near the door. I felt techno pull back as dad opened the door "hey boys will you tell me what when you went to the store?" After a couple of minutes explaining what had happened dad said that we will need to find him and take him for punishment.

After that whole conversation we went in different ways and Techno had sword practice. Dad had a meeting and I went to the music room because I had practice as well.

--------------------NEXT DAY--------------------------

I woke up with a headache, ugh great way to start the day I thought. I stood up to get ready for the day took a shower then changed into some clothes after I was done I went out to eat some food "hello Wil, good morning" Dad said I small hi and started eating after finishing I went back to the garden to get some fresh air, I walked around it was calming it helps with my headache, after a while of looking at flowers and just enjoying myself I thought about the encounter in the bakery the boy seems like he was kind and friendly he was hesitant to grab the pie, but why did he still take it? I thought about different reasons on why and didn't notice that I wasn't in the garden anymore. I was interrupted by my thoughts when I tripped on a rock and fell down a small cliff "fuck ow- where am I?" I stood up but I quickly fell back down 'what-' I stood up and felt a shock of pain going through my veins in my leg I gripped a tree and tried walking 'I got to go back dad will be worried and, where am I again? Ugh fuck I'm lost great' after a couple of small steps with a whole lot of pain I was just going deeper into the forest 'I was helpless and lost with a broken leg great' I continued to walk I looked up it was almost sundown now 'shit shit shit got to hurry up' I can be faster unless I just run 'OH fuck god fuck fuck forgot broken leg' it was now a little bit darker and I was helpless and lost ughhh stupid life I tried to walk but I would just end up getting hurt.

After a few minutes of me being and looking stupid I stopped in my tracks I saw a little boy walking down the forest god I am going to be embarrassed after I walked well more like limped up to him he saw me "ummm hi why are you here at night?" the boy said I did not see him very well it was dark out now "I got lost" I said embarrassed he noticed this "no need to be embarrassed I get lost all the time, this is a big forest after all" he said I smiled but hoped he did not notice "so umm I could show you the way you want to go- if you want and I could also help with your limp" he said "ummm yes can you please help me I would really appreciate it" he nodded not saying anything else he grabbed my hand and helped me limp to the rock he gestured for me to sit I sat and he bandaged my leg "is it tight?" His question caught me off guard "no not really" he nodded again for some reason I felt uneasy being beside him like he's hiding something he stood up again reached his hand out to me "come on let's go and hurry up my bro- never mind your family might be worried come on" he said as he took my hand. We walked back and it was a very awkward walk I thought of something "hey umm so what is your name?" I said quietly "I don't trust you so just call me Toby" he replied back why did he not trust me I did nothing but ehh whatever "So what is your name" he asked me "just call me Wil" "K got it Wil".

We continued to walk in silence till we were not in the forest anymore "ok wil I will leave you from here stay safe bye" he said when I turned around and he was gone huh weird I walked back to the castle gates opened it and walked to the entrance I saw dad he was in panic and so was Techno "hey guys" I said with a small wave "oh my got wil where were you? Techno and I were worried sick, are you ok? What the fuck happened to your leg?" Phil asked quiet very loudly "calm down I just got lost a bit don't worry about me but I am kind of tired I am going to bed night" I said "goodnight" Phil said. As I walked to my room, I saw techno he walked upto me "I'm glad you're say Wil dadza was worried very worried glad you came back." He made a small smile, his smile faded though "but don't do that again idiot" he said and slapped the back of my head and left. I went to my room laid on my bed and thought about toby I turned to my right and and thought about Toby 'hmmmm I want to see him again' I thought as I went to sleep it was a dreamless night as always.

WORDCOUNT: 1400 (love ya'll)   

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