How ironic, no? (/J)

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Hey readers, so like as you know I did this for writing practice and shit and I also wanted to do something fun. But like recently this story has been getting boring for me. The plot was all over the place and everything was messed up. After chap. 15 and 16 I didn't know what to do anymore. I know what was going to happen in the end and shit. AND NO I'M NOT QUITTING, I will not quit yet but I WILL PUT THIS STORY ON HOLD FOR I DON'T KNOW HOW LONG, I will try and write other things and plan before writing in this story again. So to the readers and people who stuck around. :'] Thank you, I will be posting other stuff soon I think but this story will go on hold for a little while. I might also re-write this story or just edit some parts of it. But I will not write in this story for some time. No I will not be quitting and stuff, I will just take a quick pause for this story until my damn writers block will move over and I could write what's going to happen next. Anyway, I hope yall understand and stuff. 

*Scroll down, if you are still here and reading this*


*How it might end (sneak peak) (sad one)*

4 months later...

"I failed to do my promise Wilbur, why can't you understand!" Techno shouted slamming his hands on the table. He had small tears coming out of his eyes. Why. Why did he not follow what the voices said. Don't get attached they said. He should've listened. They were right. He should've never gotten attached. he never cried. Crying was for the weak. He never cried when he got hurt. He never cried when, Wilbur and Phil got hurt, why, why didn't he cry, his own father and brother got hurt and he didn't cry. He never cried when his parents died. So why was he crying now? They weren't even his real family. They were just a bunch of idiots he was fond with. Why was he crying now? He should've listened, am I right. How ironic.

Did yall want that or a happy ending. so like 




Or both

Which, tell me. anyway < 3.

See you soon.


JK, I'm only taking a 2 week break, the fuck. I will post soon don't worry. I've got plans and shit. I just need some time to write. Bye yall.


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