Chap. 13 - My song

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(I got a low grade in my report card (got an 80) so some gorey shit for y'all so if you don't like that just skip its not really important anyway and why gore? I like writing about blood and death once I am sad btw listen to this one when I was writing I am obsessed with the show)

'I watched in fear from behind a tree as Ranboo punched tubbo in gut and stabbed him in the chest, blood so much blood was surrounding his body. Ranboo stood back up and looked at me. It wasn't him anymore it was a Shadow eyes purple craving for vengeance, hands they were tied with some green thread, Ranboo was being controlled.

He walked towards me I couldn't move I was scared no terrified he was like possessed by someone or something. He walked more and more closer to me and this was my que to leave. I stand up and ran. The only thing going through my mind 'run run run run' as fast as possible. I stop dead in my tracks when I realized Tubbo... 'I'm sorry tubs forgive me' I thought. I'm a terrible brother for even leaving his dead body there.

I turn my head back and Ranboo wasn't there anymore. I took this moment to take a breath. Then I felt a hand on me shoulder, "T-Tommy?" I look back it was tubbo.

He was covered in blood, his eyes were dead they had no soul in them "it hurts Tommy" he said to me his eyes were full of plead and fear with a hint of pain "shhh, shh it's ok you're safe" I said trying my best comforting voice. I pick him up and turn my head to get something to stop the bleeding on tubbos chest. I found something that could help, I try to grab it.

Once I have successfully took it, I turn back but tubbo, he wasn't there anymore. It was only smoke left. I heard leaves crunching from behind me it was slowly coming closer and closer and closer until it was behind me. I turn around to see my older brother, no it's defenetly not my brother the thing behind me was a monster. He smiled at me his eyes were glowing purple. "where's tubbo bitch" I said to him, his smile faded a little "safe with me at my home Tom" was all he said Back. He lifted his hand hovering it in front of my eyes, I was too late to react though and with his nails he stabbed my eye, things suddenly went dark. I fell down but was still alive, I heard Ranboo scream "make it stop, make it stop, make it stop, make it stop, make it stop, make it stop, make it stop, make it stop, make it stop, make it stop, make it stop, make it stop, I'm so sorry."and I suddenly felt someone shaking my shoulder.

Tommy please I'm sorry wake up Tommy Tommy please wake up Tommy Tommy Tommy Tommy tubbo I don't know where he is Tommy Tommy Tommy please Tommy... Please,'

"Tommy Tommy Tommy Tommy Tommy Tommy Tommy Tommy TOMMY" I woke up with a start. Tubbo was screaming at me tears was evident in his eyes, he was scared like he did something wrong "what's wrong" I said to him in question "Ranboo he's gone, he's not here anymore, and it's all because of me" he said I gripped his hand attempting to calm him down. I try my best to adjust my eyes in the dark but failed to do so. So I close my eyes and concentrate on my surroundings window, locked, thank God it's locked I think to myself, but door unlock fuck "tubbo wait here ok I'll get Ran back" I said to tubs. He nodded, I stood up and walked towards the door. I ran out desperate to find Ranboo, last time this had happen it ended bloody, very bloody. My eyes were still currently adjusting to the dark so it was kind of hard to see anything. I walk forward but ended up bumping into a 'pole?' I think to myself, why is there a pole here ehh whatever I gatto find Ranboo, before that happens I don't want him to hurt anyone. I continue to run in random directions my eyes were already adjusted to the darkness so it was much easier to see around the place. I walk around finding dead ends or places I am not willing to go inside. I take another turn and another and another until I heard a loud shriek from not to far away. I ran in that direction where the scream was from and while running this may have alerted some people because the maids and guards there was confused I mean couldn't blame them it was like very early in the morning. I was in front of a door. Don't know what door but a door and opened it, this is where the sound came from. I opened it and lord behold it was Ranboo-no not Ranboo it was a monster controlling him. 'Ranboo was in front of a poor maid and Wil. His fingers were dripping with blood, Wil was holding one of the maids, and the maid was stabbed in the leg. I tackle Ranboo trying my best not to hurt his physical body. I push him against the wall and he grunted. He may have took this personally and looked up to me angrily "you BITCH" he whisper yelled at me,he stood up and charged me, I fell on my back. He lifted up his hand threatening to stab me with it. I grab his hand just in time before he could stab me "WATER WIL, WATER" I said loudly to him, he stood up and ran out of the room. By now the castle was alerted and was in front of the door mostly Techno and Phil was staring at me and my brother tacking each other. Suddenly Ranboo stood up he looked at me eyes with fear eyes changing to green for a spit second "t-tommy help" he said with evident fear in his voice. He shook his head and his eyes changed back to purple, he was now looking at Phil, he made a weak smile "sorry. I can't help it" he said now charging into Phil. Since Phil was much more taller and stronger he grabbed him in time. Ranboo started struggling to get out of his hands "LET GO OF ME AGHHHHGHHAGAHGGH" Ranboo shouted angrily. He kicked Phil in his side, Wil came running back into the room holding the glass of water "here now what is this for" he said not giving me the glass of water "just hand it to me" I said calmly, he seemed to hesitate but ended up giving it to me. I walk over to Phil, I grabbed Ranboo from him. Ranboo bit my hand and I flinch back in pain. I threw the glass of water at his foot, he seemed startled by this so he screamed in fear and pain, Tubbo ran forward with a towel in hand. Ranboo groaned in annoyance "what" was all he said before falling on the floor, awake but tired. Tubbo sighed in relief and I fell on my knees thank God, this is one of the most calmest one I have ever experienced. "what the hell was that" Techno said with a mixture of anger and confusion is his voice, "nothing, sorry for the commotion" tubbo said to Techno then the rest of the maids. The maids went back to their rooms but one and Techno, Phil and wilbur was not going to leave. "no we aren't going to just leave because 1, this is my room, 2 I don't know it nearly killed you. OK now explain what the hell was all that about" Wil spoke in a mad voice like it was all our fault. Tubbo glared at him when he described Ranboo as 'it', while Ranboo clutched on his knees hiding his head in it "Ok first of all Ranboo is not an it. And second the it you're talking about is just being controlled he didn't mean all of this" tubbo yelled at him. "what do you mean it's not an it, if he was controlled then how is he not a it and lastly he LITERALLY ALMOST KILLED ALL OF US" one of the maids said pointing at ran, he whimpered when she mentioned about him killing us. Tubbo defensively glared at the girl and went over to comfort Ranboo while drying him off with a towel since he was still wet. And i also went over to Ranboo to also comfort him. Tubbo and I look at each other and nodded agreeing to one thing. We pulled him up supporting him and leeding him to our room. "Hey were not done here" Wil started but got cut of by Phil shaking his head "we will talk about this in the morning" . We continued to walk Ranboo back to room until he collapsed on my arm. I look at him and sighed I pick him up bridal style (A/N:NOT SHIPPING, AND DON'T EVEN THINK ABOUT SHIPPING ANYMORE MINORS UNLESS YOU DIDN'T KNOW BUT IF YOU NOW KNOW PLEASE STOP).


Once we were in the room I tuck in my younger and older brother. They were my family, they were my only responsibility, they were my last chance of hope and love. I put my hand on my eyes still thinking about what had happen. I was cut of by my thoughts when tubbo lean on my shoulder "can you sing to us please" he said in a tired voice. I sigh, I was also tired but anything for him. I got off the bed, I look under it and searched for something. I finally found my violin and grabbed it. I place it on the bed and grab a sheet of paper, I lift my violin under my chin and started to play while reading the notes on the sheet. (listen to the violin cover on the top so you can hear it better and understand how nice and calming it is) I started humming a tune "if I could begin to be half of what you think of me I could about anything I could even learn how to love like. You. *humming the rest of the tune*"......


Wilbur POV (please I am not a simp for him)

I was still thinking about what had happened to Ranboo. Why did he attack his brothers, he loved them. 'Fuck curiosity I won't just let it go' I stand up thinking to myself. I open my door walking through the halls and then stopping in my tracks when I finally reached the door. I open it a little and saw Tommy grabbing something from under the bed. It was a violin a pretty old one, to be exact it was made of old hard wood. He started to mumble some words to Toby I guess. And stated to play the instrument he was holding, I recognized it, the song was love like you (A/N: AHAGJ DHCD VDWH DWH LOVE LIKE YOUUUUUUU). I open the door slightly more but not too much for them to see me. He sang the song while playing the violin it was really nice too. I sat down in front of the door resting my head against it and listened to his singing "when I see the way you look, *more humming* I could do about anything I could even learn how to love like you" he continued singing it, I look up a bit and saw Techno and Phil looking at me strange "yo-" I cut of dad covering his mouth with my hand. I place my finger on my mouth and point at the door. They looked at that direction and walked near the door Mike I did to they know what they brothers were doing. I place my ear again and listened to Tommy singing "like you *humming* like you *more intense violin playing* I may not fall I might be bad now I'm sure that it's true cause I think you're so good and I'm nothing like you. Look at you go I just adore you I wish that I knew what. Makes. You think I'm so special *humming with violin playing* I could do about anything I could even learn how to love like. You." (A/N let's end this here k) I smiled at his little song I peek inside the small crack on the door. I saw Tommy fixing the violin and placing it under the bed "Ok now sleep you bit-oh never mind goodnight tubs" he said and pecked the head of his brother (A/N: bitch you can kiss your siblings goodnight and this is all platonic K). I slowly got up trying my best not to make a sound. "goodnight to you to Wil, pinkie pie, and Phil" Tommy said. The three of us outside the door looked at each other in surprise "night?" Phil said. We walk out of the doors sight and it was really silent so it was also awkward "oh fuck this are we just going to ignore that their brother did hm?" Techno said braking the silence replacing it with his confusion and anger. "Techno mate like I said we will talk about this in the morning now boys to bed" Phil commanded us. I rolled my eyes and went to bed while Techno went to his. I open my door walking to my bed and then I laid down. I close my eyes and sleep in a dream less night. Like always.

A/N: and we are done hope you enjoyed sorry for not posting in a long time sorry again hope you enjoyed the 2 words till next time and please take care of yourself and eat food and you are enough chubby or skinny. You are beautiful love yourself OK I'll go now and write the nest chapter

- fool

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