Chap. 9 Blood

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Ranboo POV

I was placed in a little cage that was attached to a horse, Tubbo and Tommy were unconscious and going to bleed to death soon and the people were not helping at all, "hey" I said I tried to sound as calm a posible "what do you want" a stern voice said "I don't know if you notice but THE rest of the people here soon going to bleed to death.'' The person I was talking to scoffed and stopped in their tracks and opened the small door and bandaged Tom first then Tubs. I took one look back at them, one of them was looking at me, his eyes had some pity in it. I crawled in between Tubbo and Tommy and I just needed to wait. just for a while, they won't die during that time right. "Tom, Tubs hang in there for me. I closed and went into everlasting darkness.

They'll hurt you Ran

"I know I know"

You failed to help your brothers

"I didn't know how to"

Of course you don't know you're useless

"Shut up"

Whatever Ranran, but trust me we are friends after all

"Shut up"

Were best of friends

"Shut up"

Friends forever

"Stop stop stop stop"


"I said SHUT UP"

------------Time skip cause I am very LAZY------------

I woke back up because of some stupid bump. I waited for a long time but we were finally near the gate. We tried to pass but the gate was too small for the cage. I made a small barely audible giggle at their attempts. Of course their attempts failed so they gave up.

One of them opened the little door of the cage and pulled me out. He put me on a horse while the rest of them carried Tubbo and Tom.

They tied the horses to something, a shiny armored guy carried me into the town when it was the others turn to carry Tom and Tubs their shirt was covered in blood. We walked into the town and a lot of people were looking at me, but mostly Tubbo and Tommy. I mean why would there be a dying child in an armored guy's hands unless he killed them am I right.. I'm not? YES I AM. Once we were almost in the large I just suspect castle gate a brunette looked at us in complete shock. "What the hell happened! Are those two dead?!!? Oh my god, Techno came here" The brunette said and then a pink haired guy came running towards us. He looks familiar, but why? I don't know him.

"The hell happened here" Pink hair said with a stern voice, I looked back at them, they were trembling, "we found the thieves and there's three but mainly this one steals we see him most" Mean guy 1 said as he showed Tommy Pinky seemed to recognize us, "well give them here we'll take care of them, You three may leave now" Pinky said while they gave Tubbo and Tommy to brunette boy and pinky.

The dude that was holding me dropped me down "Hey rude" I said quietly as I stand up, but struggled a bit, the brunette showed his hand in front of my face "want some help" I didn't respond but stared at the hand I slowly grabbed the hand he smiled and we walked to near the castle gates as we walked in the guards looked at Tommy, Tubbo and I. I was damn sure I knew the castle gate guards like I met them yesterday but UGH why can't I remember anything at all.

We arrived at the door brunette and pinky slammed the door open and shouted for someone to help which caused so much commotion 'my god dramatic much, not like they haven't lost blood before'. Then I think two maids came running down and grabbing the two into the infirmary.

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