Chap. 12 - Satchel

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A/N hello everyone this is going to be a "short chap" (by which I really mean a filler for the plot) and thank for 300+ reads and for voting (also can you vote too please? but you don't have to of course no one is forcing you here):] and also most importantly please take care of your mental and emotional and physical health. 

--Time skip to night--

I sat on the bed playing tic-tac-toe with Tubbo while Ranboo was doing his own thing, which is laying on the edge and his head hanging down the bed. We stayed like that for a while I was soo bored I continued to play with Tubbo and the bitch won "haha bitch fuck you!!!" Tubbo said to me and ran around in victory. I sat there laughing at his stupidity and blew some hair out of my face. 'ughhhhh I really need to cut my damn hair' "Want me to cut you guys hair today?" I said to the two of them. They both looked at me and nodded violently which I took as a yes. "Ok wait here Ima go" I stood up and opened the door and walked around memorizing the surroundings so I wouldn't get lost.

I walked around to find someone who could help me. I continued to walk and bumped into a person. She looked at me strangely, and looked around like she thought I was lost which I was not, so I cleared my throat and spoke to her "Hiii so can I like barrow like a um pocket knife please" I said as I smiled "what do you need that for HMMMMM?" She said to me looking at me as if I would murder the whole family here "Well bitch I need it for none of your business" I said to her as I cross my arms "ohhahoh I'm the bitch? excuse me you mother fucker-" "What is going on here? And minx why are you swearing to a child?" someone said I looked over to see Wilbur 'oh fuck' I thought in my head I look down and try not to make eye contact with the bitch.

I heard them talking to each other about no swearing so children oh fuck you bitch ass motherfucker. I continued to look around anywhere else then Wil's eyes and then I found something to catch my eye it was a pocket knife. I clear my throat and they both look at me "I'll be going back now" 'please work please work please work-' "want me to come with you?" Wil said, I nodded in approval and he walked me there.

As we continue to walk in silence and I try to get the knife from his pocket and failed because of his stupid nosy ass. When we almost reached the door he was distracted because the door was locked. I dunno how but it's locked. I took this chance to reach into his pocket and grabbed it quickly. After we got the door problem solved I went inside and put my ear against the door first before I could say anything and do anything. After I heard distant walking away I removed my head from the door. "Hey bitches got the knife I needed" I said to them, "K so who wants to get their hair cut first?" I said Tubbo ran towards me and sat in front of the mirror and waited. Started to get sections of his hair and cut it little by little "Do you want me to cut your bangs too?" I said while cutting a small chunk of hair he nodded and I started to cut his bangs so that it was shorter.

--Time skip a few minutes--

After I cut Tubbo's long hair I moved onto mine. I cut it shorter and make sure that my bangs are fully gone. After a few minutes and a ton of hair on the floor I combed my hair using my hand "tommy?" Ranboo said from behind me, I hummed a yes "When will we get our stuff back? Like you know my book and your little bag and Tubbo's collections of anything he finds" He asked me, Tubbo also turned to me and said "yeh I miss my collection of flowers and my flute" I sighed and looked at the forest through the window to see the forest. It was dark out 'I wonder if I could get our stuff back..... I want to try, no I'm going to try', chances are I would die, get lost or get our stuff back. I want my things back no matter what even if I die or get injured. "Should I go get our things?" I said to them and they both nodded. So with that I got a hood and jumped down the window.

I started running, good thing it was night cause if not I was gonna get caught. I continue to run until I reach our old tree house. I climbed the branches to get to the top where we usually 'alright stop messing around'. I grabbed one of my little satchels and grabbed our things.

After I got our things and placed it in my satchel (that he definitely didn't steal) and jumped down. I jogged back and it was around like, what 3 or 4 AM so I needed to hurry up.

My little adventure was very fun but Oh well I grabbed a tiny pebble and hit the window. I looked over and saw a pink-haired man looking at me confused. He opened the window and looked at me 'ehhh I'll deal with them later' I jumped at the little window seal and hopped from there to the window. Then boom I ended up on the window seal in front of pinkie pie- I mean Techno "hey pinkie- I mean Techno, what's up, can you like I dunno move a bit so I can enter?" I said looking at him and he took a little step back and looked at me with a smirk on his face "this far enough?" he said I rolled my eyes at him and decided 'well his fault for whatever that happens next I guess' I thought.

I hopped on top of him and he fell on his back. I stood up and stuck my tongue out to him. He still looked like he was processing what just happened. I giggled and went over to the bed and slid the satchel under the bed. "You should probably get off the floor and go to sleep, Techno," I said.

He finally snapped back to reality and stood up from the ground "and oh yeah don't you dare tell anyone about this ok" I say in a threatening voice he looked back at me from the door and smiled "yeah sure of course anything for my brother" he said the brother part as to annoy me "FUCK YOU PINKIE PIE LOOKING ASS BITCH" I screamed at him and quieted down to realize that my brothers were asleep next to me. I finally went to bed and slept feeling calm and had a dreamless night.....  


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