Thinking (not A Chapter Sorry)

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I'm thinking of making a cannibal Tommy story lol. But like I'm also digging for a God Tommy who is traumatized as fuck but like how about a mix of both 🤔 ;)/j *:)

Like so the concept is this for the god au:

In a world with God's and demigods (not based on any of the mythology) there is a little boy who sticks out. His name is Tommy. He is 14 years old who is very much traumatized. He isn't really his age but his body is his age. Like he's a lot more mature for his age than how he is supposed to be. He is also not so very much human but he also isn't much a God. He was an e_ per_ _ en _ and had never had a normal childhood because of that. But who knows what he really is. Other than that he was also a toy for amusement. He was found he was immediately trained to fight as if he were about to fight for his life in war. The people, well not really people, who found him saw him as a key to success. Tommy was 3 when they found him. And at the age of three he lived in the nether. Up until he was 13, he left when he was 13 just about to turn 14. When he left the monsters never left. They kept coming back again and again. And the trauma never left as well. It just got worse and worse. Up until he tried to kill himself 2 times but failed. Tommy felt miserable. But enough of the bad stuff let's get to the best part now shall we.

One fucking day while Tommy was on  a fucking tree he saw a pink haired man fighting with 4 creepers and 6 witches. Obviously Tommy just watched not wanting to get in the way or anything but things went a bit more serious rather quickly. The link guy who was nemed Techno got poisoned and bitten. Now, Tommy never liked when the overworld mobs attacked players, it made him mad, even though Tommy knew the pink hair man was a God and was fine, he didn't like the mobs attacking the God. And well Tommy was a very much well respected 13 year old by the mobs in both over and underworld. So when the God was detracted Tommy gestured for the mobs to leave  the God alone, and so they obeyed. Tommy felt as if he wasn't needed there anymore so he was about to leave when he got fucking caught. Well fuck and oh by the way did I mention he was very much a God but I won't tell you what just yet (unless I don't want to write the story, or y'all just ain't interested)

So like that my plan for the God AU. And like what do you think and also here are the au's in that story / summary:

God / Demigod  AU
Hybrid AU
Irl minecraft au
A whole shit ton of nether arena AU
Magic au
Dream is not a dick here AU
Dream XD is here y'all AU
Oh and so is some other characters AU
Oc's too OMG AU

*cough* so *continues caughing* what *now choking on my spit caughing* anyway *wheeze* here they are lol:


Name: sapnap

Age:  21 (3421)

Type of blood: God
- fire

What kind: blaze hybrid

- hair: brownish
- eyes: brownish that turn red (remember he a blaze hybrid)
- clothes: white t-shirt that has a fire printed logo on it, a bandana that is tied around his head, black shoes, a black longsleeve shirt underneath the white t- shirt, 2 piercings on his ear, and 3 rings too, 1 necklace also btw.

Personality: kind but rude, he is a kind person to anyone he trusts. He would also never turn on his word (sometimes).

Weaknesses: water, he doesn't get hurt with it but it would weaken his fire.

Powers: fire. He can make fire out of his hands and well everywhere he wants. He want fire on his hair, boom he has fire in his hair now.


Name: Tommy

Age: 13 about almost 14 (???)

Type of blood: ???

What kind: ???/many

-hair: strawberry blond
- eyes: not seen too much so I will not tell you until the story progresses
- clothes: he wears baggy clothes. You will often see him in a red and white shirt or an all black longsleeve one, depending on his mood. He wears dark brown pants that cover his ankles, and for his shoes it is grey.
- accessories: he doesn't like showing his facial features because of past trauma and fear that the monsters will find him again so he puts on a mask and a blindfold. It hids his eyes so he doesn't see. But that was fine because he got some other cool fucking powers going on.

Personality: rude but soft. He is sensative but doesn't like when people pity him. He never was allowed to think that his emotions were valid to he always had to hide them. He had to act rude and mean for his own safety. (well I mean that's bullshit but like). Tommy was a kind person though. Never liked hurting people. Oh yeah he also has this cool animal that can transform like the fuck.

Weaknesses: ???

Powers: ???


Name: Tubbo

Age: 14 (146)

Type of blood: God
- God of bee's and explosives

What kind: goat hybrid

- hair: brown/brunette
- eyes: blue
- clothes: green button up shirt, brown shorts, Grey shoes
- accessories: a ring on his horn
- others: horns

Personality: sweet and kind but also very threatening. He ain't no pussy.

Weaknesses: when he heads smashed to many things he gets dizzy and will probably faint

Powers: powerful head he got there, he can transform to da bee.

Name: wilbur

Age: 17 (1217)

Type of blood: God
- music

What kind: ghostly (lmao this sounds stupid but I'll explain it)

- hair: Brown
- eyes: Also brown
- clothes: yellow sweater, brown pants and a red beanie, oh yeah also brown boots
- accessories: red beanie, has 3 rings.
- others: none

Personality: is very much kind hearted but he might turn on you if you slip up or hurt one of his friends.

Weaknesses: most weapons hurt him

Powers: music, singing also helps into healing.

There are going to be more characters like Techno, dream, Dream XD, george, Phil, Ranboo, puffy, Niki, etc. But I'll list them off soon. I'ma post the story just wait.


- fool. Sorry for all the not chapters I'll post one soon again. (next week sorry, but I might post in the new story)

Also thank you for 1.k reads. Wattpad has been weird lately so if I like open wattpan on my computer I have 1.23k reads and 80 votes, but when I open it on my phone I have 1.43k and 93 votes. So I'm just like very sceptical (is that how you spell it,?!?!?) on which one is real. But like I'll trust my phone and THANK YOU FOR 1.43K READS AND 93 Votes this is so much. I love you all and remember stay fit and healthy and no matter who says that your fat skinny or should loose weight or gain weight you are perfect just the way you are

(this is coming from a fat shamed demi girl all her life)

I love y'all. Anyway I'll be back just you wait < 3

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