Chap. 10 - NAMES

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I was restless that night. I kept thinking GOD why won't my brain stop thinking at night I was turning and moving on my bed I made a very exaggerated sigh and stood up 'glass of water could help'.

I walked over to the kitchen. I saw only a few maids there. I walk over to the kitchen on my way. I passed the door to the three boys but it was open......

'What?' I walk closer and saw the pie boy being comforted by blonde, Blonde suddenly stood up, I went behind a door and saw him stop in his tracts "you can come out you know" he said and walked into the kitchen, I took some time to process if I should do it cause I like to overthink things when it is not important at all 'well fuck it' i quickly walk into the kitchen and saw him getting a glass.

It was way out of his reach, I mean he is tall but not tall enough. He suddenly bent down near the floor, then jumped on top of the counter. He took a cup and looked down like he was stuck. "Oh careful, want me to help?" I said he looked at me and shook his head, he hopped down and was about to fill the cup when he stopped like his life depended on it, "can you help with this?" he said with a small smile while tilting his head, I took the cup from him and poured water in it, gave it to him and he happily hopped away to the room they were placed in.

His brother? I think, took the glass and drank it. After the huge sip he looked a bit more calm now "hey ran calm down a little ok" Tommy said in a comforting voice.

The pie boy nodded, I smiled. I turned around when I heard a small yelp and turned back and saw the pie boy in pain 'what? But he was fine awhile ago. What happened?' I looked closer and saw Toby looking at me, his eyes had a glint of fear and untrust. "Hey Tubbo'' the two said in unison, 'Tubbo? He said his name was Toby' "Hey" Toby said in a small voice, he looked me up and down before laying down and fell asleep. Soon the rest followed.

After I was sure they were asleep, I crept into their room and sat down on the corner of their bed, I looked at them "Go to sleep idiot" I looked over to see the blond he got up from the bed and stretched. "What do you need by the way" he asked me "I just wanted to... ask what your names were? I was just calling you nicknames before" I said, to be honest I didn't really have a question to ask I just wanted to see them "Oh you call me Tom, that's Ranboo over there" He pointed at pie boy "and over there is Toby" he pointed at Toby. I already knew who Toby was, I mean we already had met before. "Ok now what were the nicknames you called us?" He said "Nothing-" I said quickly and ran down the hallway I started giggling and bumped into someone. "Wil what the fuck are you doing" I look up and saw dad and Techno they looked at me like I was crazy I was still giggling and went over to my room. I closed the door and climbed on my bed. I laid my head on my pillow......

I wanna see them in the morning.  

A/N to all who voted and read thank you soo much and this is just a filler chapter because I have writers block so just expect like chapters that are like not important to the plot (well some are but-) AGAIN THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR VOTINGGGG (HAVE A AMAZING DAY AND YOU ARE LOOKING GOOD TODAY)


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