It's Not my Party, but I'll Cry if I Want to

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I could lie and say I'm not feeling well, Ava thought as she was looking through every suitcase she had brought with her. But your dad looked so happy for a chance to show his daughter was back home, her conscience nagged her. Ava, at this moment, wanted to just disappear. She couldn't lie; she was excited to see Gemma and even Jax, but the thought of seeing him again made her heart ache. I guess I better get ready, she told herself exasperatedly.

The trio pulled up to an all too familiar house at around 6 o'clock that night. Ava's memories flooded into her mind all at once. She remembered days of running around this very yard and playing tag with Jax and the time she fell off the swing and broke her arm. Charles and Margaret had been friends with the Tellers since they were youngsters. Margaret would even consider Gemma her best friend. "Baby, you coming inside?" Ava's dad asks. "I'll be there in a few minutes, daddy," she assures him. Ava sits in the car, attempting to steady her breathing and getting ready for what the night may entail.

Before Ava knows it, she's standing in front of the door. It's okay, Ava, you can do this, she reassures herself. She finally musters up enough courage to open the door and step inside. The room is filled with some familiar faces and some not so familiar ones. "Ava Montgomery, in the flesh!" She looked in the direction of her name being called. There was the blue-eyed, blonde-haired man she had been thinking about in the car. Before she knew it, her feet were lifted off the ground, and she was given a bone-crushing hug. Giggling, she asks, "How have you been Jax?" after setting her down, he answers, and "I've been good. How about you Ms. Teachin' Degree?" "Oh, I've been good too, just teaching," she says laughing. "Well, let's get you to Gemma before she has a fit. She's missed you. Everyone has," he states. "Jax...." She warns. Ava knew where this was going. "I'm sorry, Avey. I'm just telling you the truth. He misses you too," he explains. Ava was never gladder to see Gemma than at this moment. She was engulfed in yet another big hug. "Hey Gem. I've missed you so much," Ava conveys to the woman before her. "Oh baby how have you been? It's been too long since I've seen you pretty face," Gemma gushes. "I know Gem. I've just been so busy. It's hard for me to even keep up some time," she revels, "so what's new?" Gemma gives her a look and says, "Baby, you have no idea how much you've missed since being gone. For one, Jax has a son now, little Abel. He's the cutest thing. You'll have to meet him while you're down. How long are you staying this time?" "I'll be here for a while. At least until school goes back in session in LA," Ava reveals," I swear I just saw Tara a few minutes ago, and she doesn't look li-" Ava was interrupted. "Oh, Abel's not hers. She left Charming shortly after you did. Jax met a junkie whore about a year ago, married her and got her pregnant. Stupid bitch almost killed my grandson, "Gemma says with obvious disgust. " Oh wow. You weren't kidding. I've missed a lot. How is the baby?" Ava asks concerned. "He's great now. It was touch and go at first with the mom being a druggie and the family curse from Jax," Gemma answers. Ava nodded knowingly. As the party goes on, Ava sees some old friends and puts names to the new faces she had seen earlier. Most of them were prospects of the club Jax and Clay are a part of, Samcro.  She was sitting on the sofa sipping on a beer when there was a knock on the door. She looked around expecting Jax or Gemma to go answer it, but they hadn't noticed, so Ava made her way to the door. She opened the door with a smile that soon turned to shock at the realization of who was standing in front of her. "Ava?" "Opie."


*Author's Note*

Thanks for reading you guys! Please let me know if there is something specific you would like to see in this story! Also, the dress is from! Thanks again for reading and voting! xxxxxx

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