Taking Things Slow

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The next few days at Opie's were great for everyone involved. They were filled with making up for lots of lost time, sometimes more than once each day. Ava got to know each of the kids and what they did and didn't like. The days were great, so one could imagine Opie's disdain when Ava let him know she was going apartment hunting later today with Tara and Courtney. "You're fine living right here with me. With us," he said referring to the two children who had fallen in love with Ava these past few days.

"Ope, I'd love to stay here, but I think we need to take this slow," she tells him.

"Okay Ms. Take Things Slow, was what we did these past few nights 'taking things slow' because I don't recall anything slow about it," he says.

"Harry Opie Winston, I should beat your ass for saying that shit, you perv!" Ava says turning red in the face as Opie just laughs and pulls the girl towards him for a hug.

"I'm sorry, baby. I just like the idea of you being here with me every morning and every night. But, if this is what you want, we'll do it," he tells her.

Giving him a kiss on the lips, she says," it is what I wanna do, babe. I also need to tie up the loose ends in LA, and hopefully get a job down here."

"What about this?" Tara asks Ava pointing to an ad in a newspaper about a three-bedroom house just up the road from her and Jax's house. The trio had been house hunting all day and had no luck. "It's not an apartment, but it's in your price range, and Opie would feel more safe about you getting your own place with Jax literally being seconds away," she pushes further. Courtney could see that Ava was still hesitant, so she tells her," the least we could do would be to go look at it."

The girls pulled up outside about twenty minutes later. It looked very homey on the outside, and Ava was already falling in love. The inside was even better. As they all went separate ways, Courtney's phone rang, and she lit up when she saw the caller ID. "Well hello handsome," she greets him. "Babe," he begins and Courtney can tell something's wrong," I need you to get Ava and Tara to the hospital."

"Juice, what the hell's going on?" Courtney responds.

"It's Charles, Court. He brought his car to the shop for a tune up and just passed out. Paramedics are here now, and they don't look too hopeful." 

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