Awkward Encounters

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Ava probably looked like a total idiot as she stood there with her mouth agape as she looked at Opie and then down at the two children accompanying him. “Ope! Hey man!” Jax bellowed as he came up behind Ava. He could feel the awkward tension as he got closer. Opie nodded at him, but his eyes remained locked on Ava’s. “I’m gonna, umm, go get another beer,” she says and walks, more like runs, away in hopes the two men hadn’t noticed that her drink was almost full.

“A warning would have been nice,” Opie tells Jax as he walks in and sends his kids to go get something to eat from Gemma in the kitchen. Ignoring Jax’s apologetic stare Opie asks,” why is she here?” “Her father’s not doing well, brother. She’s basically here waiting on him to pass,” Jax explains as the two head to the kitchen to get Opie something to eat. “That’s brutal shit, man,” Opie states. “Yeah it is. I’m sorry I didn’t tell you she was gonna be here. I know it’s hard to see her after all this time, and I probably don’t have much right to ask you this, but please don’t make her stay here any harder than it already is,” Jax pleads, “I know things didn’t end well in the past, but that doesn’t mean the present can’t be somewhat civil.” Not wanting to go into his an Ava’s past, Opie just nods his understanding.

Instead of going to get another drink, Ava found herself on the back porch overlooking Gemma’s garden. She remembered the time and work she and Gemma had put in back here. Ava helped plant a majority of these flowers. The young woman was soon brought back to reality by the screen door being opened and shut. When she looked that way, she was once again face to face with the very man she had just ran away from. Opie strode to the other side of the porch, sipping on his beer. Ava took that chance to head towards the door, but was stopped when Opie stepped between her and her only escape route. “You don’t have to leave. We are both very capable of standing on this porch together,” he says. Ava let out a sigh and turned so that the pair was standing side by side looking outward. This was exactly how they stood for the next few minutes before Ava gained enough courage to speak. “Your kids are adorable,” she told him. “Thanks. Jax told me about your dad. I’m sorry. I’m glad you could come down. I know it made him happy. Hell, I think everyone here is happy to see you,” Opie revels. “His cancer came back, and he doesn’t want to do anymore chemo. It’s a struggle, but I’m coping. My mom told me about Donna, Ope. I can’t even begin to tell you how sorry I am,” Ava expresses. “I’m dealing,” he states,” The kids make it bearable.” Ava just nodded. The two sat there in oddly comfortable silence until Gemma walks out with a surprised look upon her face, which Ava assumed was because of the two people she sees standing on the porch together. “Ava, baby, your parents are looking for you. Daddy’s tired and ready to go. Don’t be a stranger. Come see me anytime. I’m sure you still remember where to find me,” Gemma says as she hugs Ava and goes back inside. Ava is about to go inside, but turns. “Earlier, you said everyone was happy to see me. Were you happy to see me, Opie?” she quizzes. “I haven’t decided yet,” he responds with a nod goodbye as she walks away.

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