Uncle Happy?

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"Just move it over there, Hap," Ava directed the man holding the last bit of her baby's things. The room was all set. Ava had bought everything in a neutral color considering she didn't know what the baby would be despite everyone telling her it was a girl.

As Happy finished putting everything where it should go he stood back and let Ava look at the room. She was pleased with how it all turned out, and this made her even more anxious to meet the little person she had been growing for nine months.

"I would hug you, but I think that would make us both uncomfortable so I'll settle with telling you thank you. Without you, Kip and Kozik, I would have never gotten all of this shit done," Ava said. Happy nodded as he began to walk out of the room.

He had made it to the door when he heard Ava scream his name. He ran back in the baby's room to find Ava in a puddle of water. "I need you to take me to the hospital," Ava said trying to remain calm as she began walking to the front door, grabbing the hospital bag and her car keys on the way. Once Happy helped her in the car and got in himself he called all of the people Ava had instructed him to which included Ava's mom, Gemma, Courtney and Tara who met the two at the hospital.

Ava was rushed in immediately and admitted. Her pain had gotten to an incredible level in a short time. "Something's wrong," she told the doctors," I can feel it." The doctor was looking at the ultra sound as Gemma and Margaret tried to comfort the worried mother-to-be. "Baby, I'm sure you're overreacting. Everything's fine, right doc?" Gemma asked as the doctor looked at her with a worried expression. "What the hell is going on doctor?" Gemma says. "The baby's cord appears to be wrapped around its' neck. I'm going to prep the OR for an emergency C-section. Everything will be fine as long as we do this in a timely manner. You're going to have to be asleep for this operation," the doctor explains. Ava just shook her head as the doctor headed to get everything ready. Margaret held her daughter's hand and rubbed her hair out of her face. "It's going to be just fine. You and this baby are going to come out of this," she assured her daughter.

"I need you to call Mary and ask her to pick Kenny and Ellie up from school please," Ava asks Gemma who immediately dials Mary's number as Courtney looks at her distressed cousin. "Av, It's gonna be okay," she says. Ava looks at her and nods as she begins to cry," I just want Opie."

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