Say What You Need to Say

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The two sat like that for what felt like hours. Ava eventually calmed down enough and unwrapped his arms from around her. As she stood, Opie stood with her, and the two just stood looking at one another. Opie lifted his hand to wipe a few stray tears left on Ava’s face, but she pushed his hand away. “Ope, no. We can’t do this,” Ava objects as she attempts to walk away, “I gotta go.”

At this point, Opie had had enough of her just avoiding everything, and he grabbed her arm. “Can’t do what exactly, Ava? You know what we can’t do? Keep walking away from each other like we have nothing to talk about,” Opie says as he lets her arm go and looks at the woman before him.

 “What do you want me to say? Huh?” Ava questions. “I don’t know, shit. Maybe start with why the fuck you left ten years ago,” he says like this was all so obvious.

 Ava, completely stunned that they were having this conversation right now, responds, “I had to leave, Opie. You know that. Our relationship had went to shit since I lost Henry, and you know that.”

“Since YOU lost Henry?! You weren’t the only one who lost him, Ava. I did too. We were in that shit together.”

Ava sighed. Not because she was annoyed, but because she knew he was right. “Ope, I’m sorry. I know you lost him too, but after he died, we just weren’t the same. I had to get out of Charming,” Ava says.

 “Yeah, you had to. Ya know you could have stayed. We could have fixed it. I was so fucked up when you left. Hell, you didn’t even tell me bye,” he states.

 “I couldn’t,” she starts to explain but is cut off when Opie says,” Couldn’t? Bullshit. You left, and I had to find out from your damn mom.”

Ava was crying again as she said, “No, it’s not bullshit. If I had of said goodbye to you, I would have never left, and I knew it’s what we both needed.”

“You didn’t know what I needed. It might have been what you needed, Ava, but what I needed was my girlfriend here with me so we could try to fix the fucked up situation we were put in. That’s what I needed,” Opie tells her as he walks closer to her and wipes the tears off of her face.

This time, Ava didn’t object, but melted into his touch. “Ope, I’m-“she was cut off again, but this time with a kiss. Ava’s hands fell underneath his cut as the kiss deepened. There were thoughts in the back of her mind to tell her to stop, but she couldn’t. No matter how much she didn’t want to admit it, she had missed this man more than anything. When the kiss broke, they were both out of breath and just held each other for a moment.

“We should probably go back inside before Gemma sends a search party to find us,” Ava says laughing. Opie laughs and grabs her hand and the pair head inside. Despite the knowing looks from Jax and Gemma, the two had a good night. Ava played with little Abel, Kenny and Ellie. And even though there was the question in her head of where her and Opie stood at the moment, Ava had a good time that night with the people she loved most.

*300 reads you guys! Thank you all so much! Please comment and vote! I want to know what you guys think. xxxxx*

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