Home is Where the Heart is

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Wednesday morning arrived way too soon for Ava. She was petrified of going back to her hometown. She of course had been back there to visit her family on holidays, birthdays, etc. But, those visits only lasted three days, tops. This time, she was pretty much moving back in for a few months or less. She shuddered at the latter realization. To think of her dad leaving this earth made her cringe. There was another nagging thought in the back of her mind. The thought of running into him while she was home. As selfish as it made her sound, that dilemma almost scared her as much as her dad's failing health.

"The car's all packed," her mother says, "hopefully we won't run into too much traffic."

Before she knew it, Ava was looking at the all too familiar "Welcome to Charming" sign. The mother/daughter duo pulled into her childhood home late Wednesday night. Her father was sleeping, so Ava and Margarate bid their goodnights and went to sleep.

Ava had to remind herself where she was when she awoke the next morning in the very room she slept in for the first eighteen years of her life in her parent's three-bedroom, quaint house in Charming, California. After lying in bed for a good twenty minutes reminiscing, Ava decides to get up and do something with herself. After a nice, hot shower, she heads down the stairs and greets her parents in the kitchen preparing breakfast. "My baby girl really is here," is the first thing Charles Montgomery says to his all too grown-up daughter standing before him, "I wouldn't believe it if you weren't standing right in front of me" he teases. "Oh daddy I've missed you so much" Ava gushes as she wraps her arms around the #1 man in her life. Ava was raised in a normal home with doting parents. Charles worked as a factory worker until he retired, and Margaret had always stayed at home. Margaret had finally finished up breakfast and had given everyone their helpings when Charles started a conversation. "Did your mother tell you we've been invited to a dinner tonight by some old friends that are just dying to see your gorgeous face?" he muses. "Umm, no, she didn't. Whose dinner is it we will be going to?" Ava questions. "Gemma of course. Who else? Surely, you remember her famous dinners we used to always go to before you left for school." Her dad says matter-of-factly. Ava couldn't hide her shock. A dinner, she thought. Not just any dinner, but one at Gemma Teller's house of all places. The one person Ava is trying to avoid will surely be there. There was no doubt. As Ava sits, trying not to fall out in the floor, she ponders ways to get out of this dinner.

Author's Note:

I know these first two chapters are boring, but I promise things will heat up soon! I'm just trying to give you guys an insight to my girl, Ava's back story! Thanks for reading and voting! Again, please comment, share and vote. I would love to hear from all of you! xxxxxxx

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