Welcome Home Baby

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*Picture is of Ava's mom*

It had been a few weeks since the hospital visit with Abel, and Ava hadn’t heard or seen from Opie. She had visited Gemma, Jax and the rest of the club of course. Ope just hadn’t made his presence known to Ava here lately. Since the visit at the hospital, she had replayed the conversation between her and Opie. She knew he was right; they would eventually have to talk to one another, but she planned on putting that off for as long as she could. It would definitely not be tonight. Ava was too happy. Abel was coming home tonight, and she couldn’t wait. She had been visiting with Abel every week and had grown close to the little guy despite her reservations towards him in the beginning of their relationship. Of course a party was being thrown in his honor, and Ava and her family were attending. Charles was still fairly healthy, but the disease was wearing on him.  Ava knew it would only get worse from here, and she dreaded the months to come. Before she knew it, it was time for her to get ready for the party tonight. She was heading over before everyone else to help Gem and Tara set up for the party.

Ava pulled up just as Gemma was getting home with a bunch of beer and food for the party tonight. Ava just laughed at the fact they were having beer at a welcome home party for a baby, but she knew that was just how things worked. As she ran over there to help Gemma get everything inside, she greeted Gemma with a kiss on the cheek. They finally got everything inside when Tara came in, and the women started cooking and hanging decorations.

The homecoming party was in full swing when Jax brought little Abel inside. Ava was ecstatic to say the least, but couldn’t keep her eyes off of who had walked in behind him; Opie and his kids. The pair locked eyes and Ava couldn’t control her breathing. They finally broke eye contact when Opie looked down at his best friend’s baby and grinned. That moment tore Ava a part. Ope was such a good dad, and she thought of what would have happened if she would have been able to give him his first child. Ava shakes her head and goes towards the kitchen.

“You know, you really need to talk to him,” a voice says behind her.

Ava turns around to see who was speaking and was shocked to find her mom. “Mom, how did you-“Ava begins to say.

“A mother knows, Avey,” her mother tells her.

“Ma, I really don’t think that’s a good idea. Talk to him about what? It’s the past, and I think it best if we leave it there. I’m leaving to go back to Los Angeles as soon as I can,” Ava states.

“The way you look at him tells me it’s a whole lot more than just the past,” her mother says putting air quotes around “the past.” Margaret leaned in and hugged her daughter. “I don’t want you making a decision that you will regret, baby. Think long and hard, and follow your heart.” Ava sighed and hugged her mom back all the while knowing what her mother said is exactly what she needed to hear.

As the party drug on, Ava’s thoughts got the very best of her. She wanted to stay inside, but her emotions couldn’t handle the amount of people in the room, so she found herself in the one place that always brought her peace; Gemma’s garden. Ava walked to the back of the garden as far away from the party as she could, and that’s when it happened. She broke. She finally let go of every emotion she had been holding in since she came back. She screamed and cried as she thought of everything; from Opie to the day she left to her dad and his failing health. She found herself on the ground with her head in her hands. She hadn’t even realized anyone had come out there with her until she felt the familiar leather-clad arms wrap around her waist. She couldn’t find the strength to push him away, so she clung to him and pretended that everything was like it used to be. 

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