Visiting Dad

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*Much love to all of you guys! Read, comment and vote! Love to hear from you! xxxx*

*six months into the guys' incarceration.*

"Kenny Ellie come on!" The seven-month pregnant woman called to the two children who were in their rooms getting ready. The two had officially moved in after Ava and Opie had decided that they would live in her house when they got married. Ava, Ellie and Kenny had gotten very close these past few months, and the kids were ecstatic to have a new baby in the house. Ava and Opie had both decided not to find out the sex of the baby because they wanted to be surprised. "Are you guys excited about seeing dad today?" Ava asks the kids. They both got the biggest grins and nodded vigorously as Ava put them in their coats and headed out to her Jeep.

They pulled up at Stockton a couple of hours later and went through the whole process of checking in and being searched until they were seated in a room they were very familiar with. It was a room they had seen twice a month for the past six months since Opie had been in prison. They all waited patiently before the doors opened and Opie walked over to his family bending down to kiss Ava's belly and give Kenny and Ellie a hug. He saved Ava for last, standing up straight, and hugging her as tight as he could before the guard told them to sit down and get on with the visit. "Kids, why don't you tell your dad what we've been doing these past few weeks with Happy, Kozik and Kip," Ava says as the children begin explaining to their dad about how they are helping remodel the house to add another room for the baby. "Yeah dad, Memes," Kenny began using the name the two children had for Ava now," and Ellie have been helping paint and Happy's been letting me help him drill and stuff. It's so cool."

Opie smiled at his son, "That's cool, son. I wish I could be there helping, but I know those three plus you two will get it done in no time." Opie then turns his attention to his future wife. "How about you, mama? How are you feeling?"

Ava laughs," I'm good. I'm going to the doctor every two weeks now. We have a really healthy baby."

Opie smiles and takes Ava's hands in his. "Okay people, time's up!" a guard yells. "I miss you guys so much," Opie says as he hugs his family. Kenny looks up at his dad and says something that made Ava's heart swell," It's okay, dad. Memes will take care of us. You don't have to worry." Opie looked at Ava as she began to tear up and smiles at her as he gives her a kiss. "I love you guys. I'll see you in a couple of weeks," Opie tells his little family.

"We love you too," Ava says as he walks back out the door he came out of. 

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