We're a Family

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Ava returned home after the doctor's appointment to find Opie's bike in the driveway. She hadn't even thought about how she was going to break it to him, so that made her excitement of him being here a little less, and he noticed when she walked through the door, and he greeted her with a kiss. "God, I missed you so much," Opie says as he begins to kiss her neck.

"I missed you too, Ope."

"The kids are hanging out at Mary's tonight. I figured we could use some alone time," he tells her as his hands roam over her body. They made love but Ava's mind was a million miles away all night, wondering how she could tell him.

Hugging the toilet bowl is the last thing Ava wanted to be doing, but here she was with Opie holding her hair behind her. After she finished she got up and began to brush her teeth as Opie stared at her. "Are you okay?" he asked her.

"I'm fine," she lied. Ava just didn't feel that now was the right time to tell him. He had been through so much the last few days.

"I've gotta go to the club. You wanna hang out there and then go get something to eat after with the kids? I told Mary to drop them off there," Opie explains.

"Sounds great," she says as they head off to TM in Ava's Jeep.

They got to TM just as the other club members were heading off to Chapel. Ava found Tara on the picnic table with Abel eating some lunch. As Ava sat down Tara asked, "have you told him yet?" Ava shook her head as Tara sighed.

"He's got a lot of shit going on right now. I don't wanna add anything to it," Ava explains.

"No, you're scared. I know, because I was too," Tara tells her.

"What are you talking about?" Ava asks.

"I'm pregnant too. I found out a couple days before you. I told Jax yesterday," Tara says.

"Well congratulations, I guess?" Ava says laughing as Abel comes and jumps into her lap.

Ava was playing with Abel when the guys walked outside looking rather pissed. Ava and Tara both wondered what was going on, but knew not to ask questions right now. Jax came and kissed Ava on the cheek while taking Abel from her so that she could go be with Opie, and Kenny and Ellie who had just arrived.

The four people pulled up at a park with the food they had gotten to go. The kids wasted no time eating before running off to play.

Ava took this opportunity to look at Opie. "You gonna tell me what happened?"

Opie sighed, "Shit that happened a while ago came back up. I don't want to go into much detail. I just gotta tell you that I'll be spending some time inside.

"How long?" Ava asked him.

"Thirteen months," he says getting up to move to her side of the table.

Ava felt like she had been punched in the stomach.

"We turn ourselves in at the club house tomorrow. I want you and the kids there. I made arrangements if you can't watch the kids-"

Ava cut him off saying, "No, I've got the kids. We're a family, and they will stay with me while you're inside." Ava had no idea how much that meant to Opie to hear that as he kissed her, and they went off to play with the kids. Ava was at a loss as to what to do, but for the moment, she forgot about it all, and spent time with her family.

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